Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Nuclear Reaction Data Centre (JCPRG)

RIKEN-JCPRG Nuclear data project is available here.(2010/-)

  1. Introduction
    Data guide / Citation
  2. NRDF (Japanese charged-particle reaction data)
    Search @ NRDF / NRDF (Darpe) / NRDF/A / News
  3. EXFOR (Experimental nuclear reaction data)
    Search @ JCPRG / IAEA / NEA / News
  4. CINDA (Bibliography for nuclear reaction works)
    Search @ JCPRG / IAEA / NEA /
  5. ENDF/EVA (Evaluated nuclear reaction data)
    Search @ JCPRG / JAEA / IAEA / NEA
  1. Graph Digitizing System (GSYS, SyGRD)
  2. Cross Section Renormalizer (RENORM)
  3. On-Line Calculations of Potential Scattering (OLCoPS)
  4. RGM Web calculations (WebRGM)
  5. High energy reaction evaluation (JoW)
  6. Nucear reaction data editor (HENDEL)
  7. IntelligentPad
  8. Threshold energy calculator (Tcalc)
  1. Introduction to JCPRG: History / People
  2. NRDC Network: Introduction / Documents
  3. Album/Event
  1. JCPRG Annual report
  2. NRDF Annual report
  3. Publications and presentations
  4. Centre Meeting (Previous Executive Committee) (in Jpn.)
  5. Manuals
  1. JSPS Asia and Africa Science Platform Program
    "R&D Platform Formation of Nuclear Reaction
    Data in Asian Countries"(2010-2013)
  2. Environmental Radiation Dose Monitoring
    in Hokkaido(2011)