ENTRY S0019 20080311 Y006S001900000001 SUBENT S0019001 20080311 Y006S001900100001 BIB 13 33 S001900100002 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP) S001900100003 REFERENCE (J,CNP,12,(1),55,199003) S001900100004 AUTHOR (Bao Zongyu,Chen JInhua,Meng Jiangchen,Huang Shengnian)S001900100005 TITLE The measurement of the ratio gamma-F/gamma-n and the S001900100006 fission barrier height for p+Bi-209 S001900100007 FACILITY (LINAC) for protons at the institute of high energy S001900100008 physics, beijing. S001900100009 INC-SOURCE the energy range of protons was 20-35 MeV, S001900100010 their energy spread was about 0.6 MeV. The peak S001900100011 current of proton beam about 30 mA. S001900100012 SAMPLE The sample was made from ultrapure metal bismuth S001900100013 powder of 99.9995% Purity by means of vacuum evapo- S001900100014 ration. As a result, the content of U and Th of the S001900100015 targets were very low and were 2.2(1+-3%)*10-3 Ppm S001900100016 and 3.5(1+-10%)*10-3 Ppm, respectively. S001900100017 METHOD (ACTIV) S001900100018 DETECTOR (GELI,TRD) S001900100019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) experimental standard errors: total <13 S001900100020 Total error includes: S001900100021 * ERR-1 + ERR2 + ERR-3 + ERR-4 + DATA-ERR S001900100022 * fission fragment track counting 0.3-3 S001900100023 * gamma-ray counting 0.5-1 S001900100024 (ERR-1) sample weight 0.7 S001900100025 (ERR-2) irradiation area 1.7 S001900100026 (ERR-3) efficiency of mica detector <3 S001900100027 (ERR-4) efficiency of Ge(Li) detector 2 S001900100028 (DATA-ERR) normalization factor <1 S001900100029 CORRECTION Correction of dead time <10 S001900100030 Coincidence summing correction <5 S001900100031 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from the authors. S001900100032 HISTORY (19901218C) S001900100033 (20080228A) NDS(SD):BIB section updated: upper to lowerS001900100034 cases, 4-digits year, deleted EXP - from reaction code.S001900100035 ENDBIB 33 0 S001900100036 COMMON 6 3 S001900100037 ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 DATA-ERR S001900100038 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT S001900100039 13.0 0.7 1.7 3.0 2.0 1.0 S001900100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 S001900100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 S001900199999 SUBENT S0019002 20080311 Y006S001900200001 BIB 1 1 S001900200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,3N)84-PO-207,,SIG,,REL) S001900200003 ENDBIB 1 0 S001900200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 S001900200005 DATA 2 7 S001900200006 EN DATA S001900200007 MEV ARB-UNITS S001900200008 35.10 4.0800 S001900200009 33.10 6.6300 S001900200010 31.20 9.5900 S001900200011 29.20 12.9000 S001900200012 26.90 12.6000 S001900200013 24.60 10.9000 S001900200014 22.0 7.5000 S001900200015 ENDDATA 9 0 S001900200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 S001900299999 SUBENT S0019003 20080311 Y006S001900300001 BIB 1 1 S001900300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,4N)84-PO-206,,SIG,,REL) S001900300003 ENDBIB 1 0 S001900300004 NOCOMMON 0 0 S001900300005 DATA 2 5 S001900300006 EN DATA S001900300007 MEV ARB-UNITS S001900300008 35.10 11.4000 S001900300009 33.10 9.6800 S001900300010 31.20 5.0500 S001900300011 29.20 1.5000 S001900300012 26.90 0.1830 S001900300013 ENDDATA 7 0 S001900300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 S001900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 S001999999999