ENTRY R0030 20191210 R030R003000000001 SUBENT R0030001 20191210 R030R003000100001 BIB 10 24 R003000100002 TITLE 76Br and 77Br from decay of cyclotron produced 76Kr R003000100003 and 77Kr R003000100004 AUTHOR (D.De Jong, H.Kooiman, J.Th.Veenboer) R003000100005 REFERENCE (J,ARI,30,786,1979) R003000100006 INSTITUTE (2NEDIKO) R003000100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,2NEDFUL) R003000100008 (ISOCY,2NEDKVI) R003000100009 METHOD (SITA,EXTB,ACTIV) R003000100010 DETECTOR (GELI) R003000100011 COMMENT Isolation procedures of radiokrypton from target R003000100012 materials irradiated with 65 MeV protons and 40 MeV R003000100013 3He particles were discussed. Thick target yields of R003000100014 76Kr and 77Kr through the particle energies of up to R003000100015 40 MeV for the 34Se(3He,xn) reaction were given. R003000100016 REL-REF (O,A0187001,D.De Jong+,J,ARI,30,188,1979) R003000100017 Br+p measurement R003000100018 HISTORY (19871022C) RIKEN Nuclear Data Group R003000100019 (20070714A) On. Changed to lower case and 4-digit year.R003000100020 EXP in SF9 deleted. FACILITY corrected. R003000100021 (20191210A) Tada. 003: REACTION corrected, R003000100022 MONITOR: Corrected, RAD-DET: Deleted. R003000100023 TIME-IRRD: Added. REFERENCE: Modified. R003000100024 (20191210D) Tada. 002: Deleted. The proton irradiation R003000100025 TTYs are in the A0187 article. R003000100026 ENDBIB 24 0 R003000100027 COMMON 1 3 R003000100028 TIME-IRRD R003000100029 HR R003000100030 1. R003000100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 R003000100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 R003000199999 NOSUBENT R0030002 20191210 R030R003000200001 SUBENT R0030003 20191210 R030R003000300001 BIB 9 26 R003000300002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(HE3,X)36-KR-76,,TTY,,EOB) R003000300003 2(34-SE-0(HE3,X)36-KR-77,,TTY,,EOB) R003000300004 SAMPLE Thick pellets of sodium selenide containing selenium R003000300005 of natural isotopic composition (greater than 0.3 R003000300006 g/cm**2 in thickness) were coating with polyethylene R003000300007 layer and enclosed in an aluminium holder with a copperR003000300008 foil (10 mg/cm**2) window. R003000300009 /Comment by authors/ R003000300010 Sodium selenide, Na2Se, was the most suitable target R003000300011 for the production of 77Kr AND 76Kr. R003000300012 MONITOR 1(29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) R003000300013 2(29-CU-63(HE3,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) R003000300014 MONIT-REF (,N.W.Golchert+,J,NP/A,152,419,1970) R003000300015 DECAY-DATA1(36-KR-76,14.8HR,DG,316.,0.360) R003000300016 2(36-KR-77,1.24HR,DG,130.,0.873, R003000300017 DG,147.,0.409) R003000300018 DECAY-MON 1(31-GA-66,9.4HR,DG,1039.,0.373) R003000300019 2(30-ZN-62,9.3HR,DG,595.0,0.227) R003000300020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty R003000300021 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from Table 3, p787 in reference R003000300022 HISTORY (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted. DT added in SF8. R003000300023 MONITOR and Heading corrected. R003000300024 (20070815A) On. STATUS added. REACTION corrected. R003000300025 (20191210A) Tada. SF1: Corrected. SF8: DT -> EOB. R003000300026 DATA3 and 4 Deleted. RAD-DET: Deleted. R003000300027 2:MONITOR: X used for SF3. R003000300028 ENDBIB 26 0 R003000300029 NOCOMMON 0 0 R003000300030 DATA 5 1 R003000300031 EN DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 R003000300032 MEV MUCI/MUA MUCI/MUA MUCI/MUA MUCI/MUA R003000300033 38.5 11. 0.6 460. 40. R003000300034 ENDDATA 3 0 R003000300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 R003000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 R003099999999