ENTRY P0100 20111115 P004P010000000001 SUBENT P0100001 20111115 P004P010000100001 BIB 10 16 P010000100002 INSTITUTE (3AULCBR) P010000100003 REFERENCE (J,NP,60,503,1964) P010000100004 AUTHOR (D.R.Osgood,J.R.Patterson,E.W.Titterton) P010000100005 TITLE The excitation function for the reaction 12C(3He,n0)14OP010000100006 between threshold and 11.45 MeV P010000100007 FACILITY (ACCEL,3AULCBR) P010000100008 REL-REF (I,,L.G.Earwaker+,J,NP,42,521,1963) P010000100009 METHOD (BCINT) "Leaky" integrator for measuring the total P010000100010 charge incident on the target. P010000100011 (ACTIV) P010000100012 DECAY-DATA (8-O-14,,DG,2310.,0.994) P010000100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm NaI(Tl) crystal scintillator P010000100014 was used with an A8 double delay line linear amplifier P010000100015 HISTORY (19830620T) Converted to EXFOR format by IAEA-NDS P010000100016 (20000815A) SD: Ref. corrected. BIB updated. P010000100017 Subent 003 added. P010000100018 ENDBIB 16 0 P010000100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 P010000100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 P010000199999 SUBENT P0100002 20111115 P004P010000200001 BIB 5 10 P010000200002 REACTION (6-C-12(HE3,N)8-O-14,,SIG) P010000200003 SAMPLE Above 3 MeV an electromagnetically separated 99.9% 12C P010000200004 target on a gold backing was used and which had a P010000200005 nominal thickness of 116 mu-g/cm2 (or 65 keV) at 6 MeV P010000200006 for a He3++ beam. Below 3 MeV a 40 mu-g/cm2 target was P010000200007 used, which was 10 keV thick at 2.4 MeV He3+ energy. P010000200008 MONITOR (6-C-12(HE3,N)8-O-14,,SIG) P010000200009 MONIT-REF (P0100003,D.R.Osgood+,J,NP,60,503,1964) P010000200010 STATUS (CPX) Data from CPX file compiled in 1964/67 by P010000200011 F.K.McGowan et al. P010000200012 ENDBIB 10 0 P010000200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 P010000200014 DATA 2 82 P010000200015 EN DATA P010000200016 MEV MB P010000200017 1.620 0.200 P010000200018 1.770 0.600 P010000200019 1.920 1.200 P010000200020 2.020 1.840 P010000200021 2.160 3.960 P010000200022 2.270 8.480 P010000200023 2.340 12.900 P010000200024 2.400 15.100 P010000200025 2.420 17.800 P010000200026 2.440 18.800 P010000200027 2.510 19.200 P010000200028 2.530 18.600 P010000200029 2.570 18.100 P010000200030 2.600 18.800 P010000200031 2.640 19.400 P010000200032 2.680 19.100 P010000200033 2.700 19.600 P010000200034 2.750 19.000 P010000200035 2.820 18.700 P010000200036 2.870 17.700 P010000200037 2.910 15.900 P010000200038 2.980 15.500 P010000200039 3.020 13.700 P010000200040 3.170 7.320 P010000200041 3.320 5.360 P010000200042 3.470 5.960 P010000200043 3.600 7.480 P010000200044 3.760 9.560 P010000200045 3.930 13.000 P010000200046 4.060 15.200 P010000200047 4.230 18.600 P010000200048 4.370 20.800 P010000200049 4.540 22.400 P010000200050 4.650 23.400 P010000200051 4.820 22.400 P010000200052 4.960 23.500 P010000200053 5.100 24.800 P010000200054 5.270 23.400 P010000200055 5.420 22.200 P010000200056 5.550 22.800 P010000200057 5.720 25.000 P010000200058 5.860 27.900 P010000200059 5.990 27.000 P010000200060 6.140 25.800 P010000200061 6.300 25.800 P010000200062 6.470 28.100 P010000200063 6.550 28.500 P010000200064 6.610 29.100 P010000200065 6.690 30.200 P010000200066 6.760 33.900 P010000200067 6.830 36.400 P010000200068 6.910 29.300 P010000200069 7.120 21.300 P010000200070 7.280 17.400 P010000200071 7.420 18.000 P010000200072 7.570 23.100 P010000200073 7.710 27.200 P010000200074 7.880 23.800 P010000200075 7.960 22.600 P010000200076 8.110 20.400 P010000200077 8.270 20.400 P010000200078 8.410 20.400 P010000200079 8.570 22.800 P010000200080 8.680 23.100 P010000200081 8.820 22.800 P010000200082 8.990 21.400 P010000200083 9.120 19.500 P010000200084 9.370 18.700 P010000200085 9.530 18.700 P010000200086 9.670 18.400 P010000200087 9.830 18.900 P010000200088 9.960 18.000 P010000200089 10.100 15.700 P010000200090 10.300 13.300 P010000200091 10.400 12.200 P010000200092 10.500 10.800 P010000200093 10.700 9.920 P010000200094 10.800 10.300 P010000200095 11.000 10.300 P010000200096 11.200 11.200 P010000200097 11.300 12.400 P010000200098 11.500 12.500 P010000200099 ENDDATA 84 0 P010000200100 ENDSUBENT 99 0 P010000299999 SUBENT P0100003 20111115 P004P010000300001 BIB 5 13 P010000300002 REACTION (6-C-12(HE3,N)8-O-14,,SIG) P010000300003 SAMPLE A selfsupporting natural carbon target. With this the P010000300004 yield per mu-C was measured at several energies so as P010000300005 to provide a fit to the curve. Target thickness of P010000300006 43 mu-g/cm2 was calculated. P010000300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes: P010000300008 (DATA-ERR) Fit to excitation function (7%) P010000300009 (ERR-1) Target thickness (10%) P010000300010 (ERR-2) Detection efficiency (5%) P010000300011 (ERR-3) Dead time loss correction (1%) P010000300012 (ERR-4) Decay constant (0.1%) P010000300013 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 1 from Nucl.Phys.60,503,1963 P010000300014 HISTORY (20111115C) SD: Subent added. P010000300015 ENDBIB 13 0 P010000300016 COMMON 5 3 P010000300017 DATA-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 P010000300018 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT P010000300019 7.0 10. 5. 1. 0.1 P010000300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 P010000300021 DATA 3 3 P010000300022 EN DATA ERR-T P010000300023 MEV MB MB P010000300024 3.00 15.2 2.0 P010000300025 3.30 5.6 0.7 P010000300026 6.60 26.2 3.4 P010000300027 ENDDATA 5 0 P010000300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 P010000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 P010099999999