ENTRY O2210 20200831 O079O221000000001 SUBENT O2210001 20200831 O079O221000100001 BIB 7 13 O221000100002 TITLE Determination of the Na-23(p,p+gamma)Na-23, O221000100003 Na-23(p,alpha+gamma)Ne-20 and Na-23(p,alpha0)Ne-20 O221000100004 excitation functions from 500 to 1700 keV O221000100005 AUTHOR (P.Trocellier, Ch.Engelmann) O221000100006 INSTITUTE (2FR SAC) O221000100007 REFERENCE (J,JRC,67,135,1981) O221000100008 FACILITY (VDG,2FR SAC) 2MV Van de Graaff O221000100009 SAMPLE Target consist of silicon discs, diameter 15 mm and O221000100010 thickness 1 mm, coated with an oxide layer in which O221000100011 sodium ions (20 keV) were implanted( 10E16 at/cm2). O221000100012 HISTORY (20140703C) SB O221000100013 (20200831A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subents O221000100014 007, 008 added. Subents 005 and 006 were merged. O221000100015 ENDBIB 13 0 O221000100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O221000100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 O221000199999 SUBENT O2210002 20200831 O079O221000200001 BIB 4 5 O221000200002 REACTION (11-NA-23(P,INL)11-NA-23,PAR,MLT,G,TT/CH) O221000200003 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) for gamma-ray, diam. and height 102 mmO221000200004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig 1 of J.Radioanalyt.Chem.,67(1981)135 O221000200005 HISTORY (20200831U) SD: EN-SEC deleted. DETECTOR, STATUS O221000200006 updated. O221000200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O221000200008 COMMON 1 3 O221000200009 E O221000200010 KEV O221000200011 439. O221000200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O221000200013 DATA 2 57 O221000200014 EN DATA O221000200015 KEV PRT/MUCOUL O221000200016 1003.661 4.899E+02 O221000200017 1013.567 5.618E+02 O221000200018 1022.575 6.443E+02 O221000200019 1031.397 7.187E+02 O221000200020 1041.527 8.522E+02 O221000200021 1051.358 9.663E+02 O221000200022 1061.152 1.090E+03 O221000200023 1077.525 1.283E+03 O221000200024 1087.543 1.496E+03 O221000200025 1096.476 1.697E+03 O221000200026 1102.756 1.936E+03 O221000200027 1125.410 2.276E+03 O221000200028 1141.597 2.605E+03 O221000200029 1154.495 2.730E+03 O221000200030 1171.955 2.890E+03 O221000200031 1191.246 3.075E+03 O221000200032 1211.397 3.252E+03 O221000200033 1227.922 3.424E+03 O221000200034 1246.204 3.584E+03 O221000200035 1257.420 3.821E+03 O221000200036 1264.594 4.984E+03 O221000200037 1278.126 5.742E+03 O221000200038 1287.806 7.280E+03 O221000200039 1295.244 8.638E+03 O221000200040 1306.683 9.522E+03 O221000200041 1319.208 9.438E+03 O221000200042 1328.217 1.083E+04 O221000200043 1333.710 1.257E+04 O221000200044 1342.868 1.474E+04 O221000200045 1354.272 1.413E+04 O221000200046 1366.608 1.557E+04 O221000200047 1371.655 1.691E+04 O221000200048 1386.385 1.781E+04 O221000200049 1392.550 2.286E+04 O221000200050 1404.103 2.241E+04 O221000200051 1416.179 2.376E+04 O221000200052 1425.639 2.229E+04 O221000200053 1435.246 2.445E+04 O221000200054 1447.921 2.478E+04 O221000200055 1452.929 2.675E+04 O221000200056 1465.937 3.259E+04 O221000200057 1486.870 4.430E+04 O221000200058 1502.947 4.363E+04 O221000200059 1520.856 4.319E+04 O221000200060 1538.989 4.420E+04 O221000200061 1560.485 4.997E+04 O221000200062 1579.553 5.142E+04 O221000200063 1598.322 5.061E+04 O221000200064 1617.091 4.980E+04 O221000200065 1634.252 5.042E+04 O221000200066 1655.038 5.863E+04 O221000200067 1674.853 5.898E+04 O221000200068 1693.660 5.837E+04 O221000200069 1712.802 6.073E+04 O221000200070 1733.440 6.041E+04 O221000200071 1745.926 6.808E+04 O221000200072 1772.170 7.993E+04 O221000200073 ENDDATA 59 0 O221000200074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 O221000299999 SUBENT O2210003 20200831 O079O221000300001 BIB 4 5 O221000300002 REACTION (11-NA-23(P,A)10-NE-20,PAR,MLT,G,TT/CH) O221000300003 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) for gamma-ray, diam. and height 102 mmO221000300004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig 2 of J.Radioanalyt.Chem.,67(1981)135 O221000300005 HISTORY (20200831U) SD: EN-SEC deleted. DETECTOR, STATUS O221000300006 updated. O221000300007 ENDBIB 5 0 O221000300008 COMMON 1 3 O221000300009 E O221000300010 KEV O221000300011 1634. O221000300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O221000300013 DATA 2 52 O221000300014 EN DATA O221000300015 KEV PRT/MUCOUL O221000300016 1004.641 1.019E+01 O221000300017 1008.012 2.273E+01 O221000300018 1012.534 3.521E+01 O221000300019 1017.425 5.746E+01 O221000300020 1023.356 6.005E+01 O221000300021 1031.155 6.034E+01 O221000300022 1041.483 5.868E+01 O221000300023 1051.267 6.010E+01 O221000300024 1060.336 5.960E+01 O221000300025 1072.650 5.907E+01 O221000300026 1081.759 5.973E+01 O221000300027 1097.070 9.919E+01 O221000300028 1106.810 1.367E+02 O221000300029 1112.728 1.420E+02 O221000300030 1120.500 1.408E+02 O221000300031 1128.299 1.415E+02 O221000300032 1140.029 1.449E+02 O221000300033 1151.045 1.436E+02 O221000300034 1165.401 2.822E+02 O221000300035 1171.551 4.516E+02 O221000300036 1182.062 4.807E+02 O221000300037 1195.038 4.795E+02 O221000300038 1212.432 6.186E+02 O221000300039 1222.505 7.303E+02 O221000300040 1234.845 7.332E+02 O221000300041 1252.611 8.260E+02 O221000300042 1261.519 1.040E+03 O221000300043 1272.561 1.045E+03 O221000300044 1292.817 1.117E+03 O221000300045 1303.198 1.115E+03 O221000300046 1323.296 1.103E+03 O221000300047 1341.975 1.414E+03 O221000300048 1364.072 1.435E+03 O221000300049 1385.482 1.429E+03 O221000300050 1403.621 1.405E+03 O221000300051 1414.199 1.545E+03 O221000300052 1423.281 1.542E+03 O221000300053 1443.393 1.536E+03 O221000300054 1456.991 1.512E+03 O221000300055 1463.715 1.696E+03 O221000300056 1478.094 1.781E+03 O221000300057 1506.692 1.817E+03 O221000300058 1544.970 1.803E+03 O221000300059 1556.078 1.870E+03 O221000300060 1575.817 2.133E+03 O221000300061 1606.362 2.176E+03 O221000300062 1636.920 2.233E+03 O221000300063 1656.444 3.153E+03 O221000300064 1687.677 3.278E+03 O221000300065 1725.476 3.538E+03 O221000300066 1768.479 3.840E+03 O221000300067 1804.319 4.119E+03 O221000300068 ENDDATA 54 0 O221000300069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 O221000399999 SUBENT O2210004 20200831 O079O221000400001 BIB 7 18 O221000400002 REACTION (11-NA-23(P,INL)11-NA-23,PAR,SIG,,RES) O221000400003 ANALYSIS The excitation functions of the this reaction was O221000400004 derived from the thick target yield. O221000400005 ADD-RES Resonance widths are given, but they are the raw O221000400006 experimental values; in particular, the width of the O221000400007 incident proton spectrum and the thickness of the O221000400008 targets have not been taken into account. O221000400009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) This relatively large uncertainty has two O221000400010 components essentially related to the imprecision O221000400011 with which one can determine on the one hand the O221000400012 concentration of sodium in the implanted area on the O221000400013 other hand the true intensity of the incident beam. O221000400014 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) for gamma-ray, diam. and height 102 mmO221000400015 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Radioanalyt.Chem.,67(1981)135 O221000400016 HISTORY (20200831A) SD: SF8=RES added; SF9=DERIV deleted from O221000400017 REACTION code. EN-SEC deleted. DETECTOR, STATUS updatedO221000400018 updated. ADD-RES, ERR-ANALYS added. EN -> EN-RES, O221000400019 DATA-MAX -> DATA. O221000400020 ENDBIB 18 0 O221000400021 COMMON 2 3 O221000400022 E-LVL DATA-ERR O221000400023 KEV PER-CENT O221000400024 439. 20. O221000400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O221000400026 DATA 2 7 O221000400027 EN-RES DATA O221000400028 KEV MB O221000400029 1283. 950. O221000400030 1330. 850. O221000400031 1364. 600. O221000400032 1412. 825. O221000400033 1460. 1025. O221000400034 1560. 400. O221000400035 1640. 1150. O221000400036 ENDDATA 9 0 O221000400037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 O221000499999 SUBENT O2210005 20200831 O079O221000500001 BIB 7 18 O221000500002 REACTION (11-NA-23(P,A)10-NE-20,PAR,SIG,,RES) O221000500003 ANALYSIS The excitation functions of the this reaction was O221000500004 derived from the thick target yield. O221000500005 ADD-RES Resonance widths are given, but they are the raw O221000500006 experimental values; in particular, the width of the O221000500007 incident proton spectrum and the thickness of the O221000500008 targets have not been taken into account. O221000500009 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) for gamma-ray, diam. and height 102 mmO221000500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) This relatively large uncertainty has two O221000500011 components essentially related to the imprecision O221000500012 with which one can determine on the one hand the O221000500013 concentration of sodium in the implanted area on the O221000500014 other hand the true intensity of the incident beam. O221000500015 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Radioanalyt.Chem.,67(1981)135 O221000500016 HISTORY (20200831A) SD: SF8=RES added; SF9=DERIV deleted from O221000500017 REACTION code. EN-SEC deleted. DETECTOR, STATUS O221000500018 updated. ADD-RES, ERR-ANALYS added. Data from O221000500019 Subent 006 were added. EN -> EN-RES, DATA-MAX -> DATA. O221000500020 ENDBIB 18 0 O221000500021 COMMON 1 3 O221000500022 DATA-ERR O221000500023 PER-CENT O221000500024 20. O221000500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O221000500026 DATA 3 13 O221000500027 EN-RES E-LVL DATA O221000500028 KEV KEV MB O221000500029 592. 0. 300. O221000500030 919. 0. 500. O221000500031 1012. 1634. 45. O221000500032 1095. 1634. 5. O221000500033 1165. 1634. 180. O221000500034 1210. 1634. 100. O221000500035 1255. 1634. 60. O221000500036 1282. 1634. 75. O221000500037 1330. 1634. 270. O221000500038 1410. 1634. 230. O221000500039 1460. 1634. 50. O221000500040 1560. 1634. 45. O221000500041 1640. 1634. 260. O221000500042 ENDDATA 15 0 O221000500043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 O221000599999 NOSUBENT O2210006 20200831 O079O221000600001 SUBENT O2210007 20200831 O079O221000700001 BIB 6 13 O221000700002 REACTION (11-NA-23(P,A)10-NE-20,PAR,SIG) O221000700003 ANALYSIS The excitation functions of the this reaction was O221000700004 derived from the thick target yield. O221000700005 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) for gamma-ray, diam. and height 102 mmO221000700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) This relatively large uncertainty has two O221000700007 components essentially related to the imprecision O221000700008 with which one can determine on the one hand the O221000700009 concentration of sodium in the implanted area on the O221000700010 other hand the true intensity of the incident beam. O221000700011 STATUS (CURVE) fig.3 of J.Radioanalyt.Chem.,67(1981)135 O221000700012 Data were taken from IBANDL: O221000700013 https://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/ibandl.htm O221000700014 HISTORY (20200831C) SD O221000700015 ENDBIB 13 0 O221000700016 COMMON 2 3 O221000700017 E-LVL DATA-ERR O221000700018 KEV PER-CENT O221000700019 1634. 20. O221000700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O221000700021 DATA 2 54 O221000700022 EN DATA O221000700023 KEV MB O221000700024 1016. 2.9 O221000700025 1036. 2.9 O221000700026 1055. 5.7 O221000700027 1078. 5.7 O221000700028 1096. 11.4 O221000700029 1117. 11.4 O221000700030 1136. 14.3 O221000700031 1156. 25.7 O221000700032 1178. 65.6 O221000700033 1198. 68.4 O221000700034 1218. 57.0 O221000700035 1238. 51.3 O221000700036 1271. 57.0 O221000700037 1284. 524.5 O221000700038 1286. 929.2 O221000700039 1291. 749.6 O221000700040 1297. 476.0 O221000700041 1300. 305.0 O221000700042 1318. 342.0 O221000700043 1325. 598.6 O221000700044 1330. 718.3 O221000700045 1330. 846.6 O221000700046 1335. 749.6 O221000700047 1340. 601.4 O221000700048 1351. 501.7 O221000700049 1362. 601.4 O221000700050 1370. 524.5 O221000700051 1380. 305.0 O221000700052 1384. 225.2 O221000700053 1396. 381.9 O221000700054 1403. 647.0 O221000700055 1410. 829.5 O221000700056 1420. 746.8 O221000700057 1441. 561.5 O221000700058 1452. 704.0 O221000700059 1463. 1029.0 O221000700060 1471. 758.2 O221000700061 1472. 498.8 O221000700062 1482. 427.6 O221000700063 1494. 424.7 O221000700064 1502. 396.2 O221000700065 1523. 347.7 O221000700066 1542. 279.3 O221000700067 1549. 356.3 O221000700068 1561. 404.8 O221000700069 1578. 305.0 O221000700070 1593. 327.8 O221000700071 1623. 450.4 O221000700072 1638. 647.0 O221000700073 1642. 895.0 O221000700074 1646. 1154.4 O221000700075 1654. 795.2 O221000700076 1661. 724.0 O221000700077 1663. 752.5 O221000700078 ENDDATA 56 0 O221000700079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 O221000799999 SUBENT O2210008 20200831 O079O221000800001 BIB 5 11 O221000800002 REACTION (11-NA-23(P,A)10-NE-20,PAR,SIG) O221000800003 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Surface barrier detector ( 120 mm2; thickness: O221000800004 500 mu-m) positioned at 130 degr. relative to the O221000800005 incident beam. O221000800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) This relatively large uncertainty has two O221000800007 components essentially due to sodium concentration in O221000800008 the implanted area and beam intensity. O221000800009 STATUS (CURVE) fig.4 of J.Radioanalyt.Chem.,67(1981)135 O221000800010 Data were taken from IBANDL: O221000800011 https://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/ibandl.htm O221000800012 HISTORY (20200831C) SD O221000800013 ENDBIB 11 0 O221000800014 COMMON 2 3 O221000800015 E-LVL DATA-ERR O221000800016 KEV PER-CENT O221000800017 1634. 20. O221000800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O221000800019 DATA 2 75 O221000800020 EN DATA O221000800021 KEV MB O221000800022 1010. 10.2 O221000800023 1013. 27.5 O221000800024 1015. 47.5 O221000800025 1019. 1.6 O221000800026 1027. 0.2 O221000800027 1037. 0.2 O221000800028 1047. 0.2 O221000800029 1056. 0.2 O221000800030 1067. 0.0 O221000800031 1077. 0.3 O221000800032 1083. 1.1 O221000800033 1094. 5.1 O221000800034 1101. 1.4 O221000800035 1108. 0.6 O221000800036 1118. 0.0 O221000800037 1128. 0.2 O221000800038 1137. 0.8 O221000800039 1147. 2.4 O221000800040 1159. 24.5 O221000800041 1163. 113.0 O221000800042 1167. 182.6 O221000800043 1169. 101.2 O221000800044 1171. 53.0 O221000800045 1177. 26.9 O221000800046 1185. 23.7 O221000800047 1194. 22.9 O221000800048 1203. 22.1 O221000800049 1215. 89.3 O221000800050 1224. 34.8 O221000800051 1228. 22.9 O221000800052 1236. 22.9 O221000800053 1246. 26.1 O221000800054 1254. 60.1 O221000800055 1258. 52.2 O221000800056 1263. 40.3 O221000800057 1273. 31.6 O221000800058 1282. 78.3 O221000800059 1285. 61.7 O221000800060 1288. 37.2 O221000800061 1296. 28.5 O221000800062 1304. 28.5 O221000800063 1319. 32.4 O221000800064 1324. 161.3 O221000800065 1333. 269.6 O221000800066 1342. 241.1 O221000800067 1346. 222.9 O221000800068 1358. 161.3 O221000800069 1360. 141.5 O221000800070 1371. 110.7 O221000800071 1382. 104.3 O221000800072 1390. 105.9 O221000800073 1399. 184.2 O221000800074 1410. 221.3 O221000800075 1421. 162.1 O221000800076 1426. 112.3 O221000800077 1429. 75.1 O221000800078 1433. 44.3 O221000800079 1437. 31.6 O221000800080 1450. 19.8 O221000800081 1462. 51.4 O221000800082 1465. 44.3 O221000800083 1471. 33.2 O221000800084 1481. 25.3 O221000800085 1497. 22.1 O221000800086 1518. 25.3 O221000800087 1533. 18.2 O221000800088 1551. 19.0 O221000800089 1565. 24.5 O221000800090 1579. 27.7 O221000800091 1599. 49.0 O221000800092 1613. 74.3 O221000800093 1626. 120.9 O221000800094 1642. 260.1 O221000800095 1649. 236.4 O221000800096 1655. 200.0 O221000800097 ENDDATA 77 0 O221000800098 ENDSUBENT 97 0 O221000899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 O221099999999