ENTRY O2205 20140626 O053O220500000001 SUBENT O2205001 20140626 O053O220500100001 BIB 11 43 O220500100002 TITLE Revision of the 15N(p,g)16O reaction rate and oxygen O220500100003 abundance in H-burning zones. O220500100004 REFERENCE (J,AAA,533,A66,2011) new data O220500100005 REL-REF (I,O1731001,D.Bemmerer+,J,JP/G,36,045202,2009) O220500100006 AUTHOR (A.Caciolli, C.Mazzocchi, V.Capogrosso, D.Bemmerer, O220500100007 C.Broggini, P.Corvisiero, H.Costantini, Z.Elekes, O220500100008 A.Formicola, Zs.Fueloep, G.Gervino, A.Guglielmetti, O220500100009 C.Gustavino, Gy.Gyuerky, G.Imbriani, M.Junker, A.Lemut,O220500100010 M.Marta, R.Menegazzo, S.Palmerini, P.Prati, V.Roca, O220500100011 C.Rolfs, C.Rossi Alvarez, E.Somorjai, O.Straniero, O220500100012 F.Strieder, F.Terrasi, H.P.Trautvetter, A.Vomiero) O220500100013 INSTITUTE (2ITYPAD) O220500100014 (2ITYITY) University of Siena, University of Perugia, O220500100015 University of Brescia O220500100016 (2ITYMIL) O220500100017 (2GERDRE) O220500100018 (2ITYGVA) O220500100019 (3HUNDEB) O220500100020 (2ITYLGS) O220500100021 (2ITYTUR) O220500100022 (2ITYNAP) O220500100023 (2GERBOC) O220500100024 (2ITYOAC) O220500100025 SAMPLE The TiN forming the target material, enriched in 15N, O220500100026 is deposited on a tantalum backing, the target O220500100027 thickness is 100 nm, as verified through secondary O220500100028 neutral mass spectroscopy(the uncertainty on this O220500100029 measurement is included in the contribution to the O220500100030 target analysis).The stoichiometry Ti/N, which ranges O220500100031 from 0.97 to 1.18 according to the target, is measured O220500100032 for each target with the high Z elastic recoil O220500100033 detection (ERD) technique. Isotopic abundances between O220500100034 96% and 99%, according to the target, are deduced O220500100035 from the observed height of the plateau in the yield ofO220500100036 the 14N(p,g)15O resonance at E = 259 keV and from the O220500100037 ERD data. O220500100038 PART-DET (G) O220500100039 DETECTOR (BGO) The gamma-rays were detected by a 4-pi BGO O220500100040 summing crystal, 28 cm long, 20 cm diameter, O220500100041 6 cm coaxial hole. O220500100042 FACILITY (CCW,2ITYLGS) 400 keV Luna accelerator O220500100043 METHOD The target chamber works as a Faraday cup. O220500100044 HISTORY (20140626C) SB O220500100045 ENDBIB 43 0 O220500100046 NOCOMMON 0 0 O220500100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O220500199999 SUBENT O2205002 20140626 O053O220500200001 BIB 3 13 O220500200002 REACTION (7-N-15(P,G)8-O-16,,SIG,,SFC) O220500200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS).Total systematic uncertainty is reported in O220500200004 table. O220500200005 (ERR-S).Statistical error is reported in table O220500200006 (ERR-1).The error in the target analysis. O220500200007 (ERR-2).The error in the stopping power O220500200008 (ERR-3).The error in N-15 isotopic ratio. O220500200009 (ERR-4).The error in Ti/N stoichiometry O220500200010 (ERR-5).The error in beam intensity. O220500200011 (ERR-6).The error in the effective energy. O220500200012 (ERR-7).The error in the gamma-ray detection efficiencyO220500200013 (MONIT-ERR).The error in monitor reaction O220500200014 STATUS (TABLE).Table 1 of J,AAA,533,66,2011 O220500200015 ENDBIB 13 0 O220500200016 COMMON 9 6 O220500200017 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 O220500200018 ERR-6 ERR-7 MONIT-ERR O220500200019 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O220500200020 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O220500200021 11. 7.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 O220500200022 3.0 3.0 3.0 O220500200023 ENDCOMMON 6 0 O220500200024 DATA 3 34 O220500200025 EN-CM DATA ERR-S O220500200026 KEV B*KEV B*KEV O220500200027 72.8 52. 4. O220500200028 81.3 49. 2. O220500200029 89.3 53. 6. O220500200030 105.1 59. 4. O220500200031 114.8 53. 3. O220500200032 123.5 56.4 1.8 O220500200033 132.7 64. 2. O220500200034 143.7 68.3 1.0 O220500200035 151.3 55.9 1.1 O220500200036 162.3 79.2 0.5 O220500200037 170.7 79.8 0.9 O220500200038 180.1 87.2 1.0 O220500200039 189.1 93.5 1.1 O220500200040 198.4 102.6 0.8 O220500200041 207.9 114.0 1.6 O220500200042 217.3 123.0 1.0 O220500200043 227.4 136.0 1.1 O220500200044 236.9 153.0 1.1 O220500200045 246.3 172.0 1.7 O220500200046 256.4 201. 3. O220500200047 266.3 227. 3. O220500200048 274.5 254.7 1.4 O220500200049 283.5 283. 3. O220500200050 293.7 315.4 1.6 O220500200051 302.6 320. 2. O220500200052 311.7 309.1 1.2 O220500200053 321.1 277.6 1.0 O220500200054 330.4 227.4 0.7 O220500200055 340.2 183.0 0.9 O220500200056 349.1 134.0 0.9 O220500200057 354.1 124.0 1.2 O220500200058 358.8 101.0 1.0 O220500200059 363.6 95.1 0.9 O220500200060 368.3 81.0 0.8 O220500200061 ENDDATA 36 0 O220500200062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 O220500299999 SUBENT O2205003 20140626 O053O220500300001 BIB 4 4 O220500300002 REACTION (7-N-15(P,G)8-O-16,,SIG,,RES) O220500300003 REL-REF (A,C1825006,P.J.LeBlanc+,J,PR/C,82,055804,2010) O220500300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistics and detection efficiency O220500300005 STATUS (TABLE).Table 3 of J,AAA,533,66,2011 O220500300006 ENDBIB 4 0 O220500300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O220500300008 DATA 3 1 O220500300009 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR O220500300010 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B O220500300011 312. 6.0 0.6 O220500300012 ENDDATA 3 0 O220500300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O220500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O220599999999