ENTRY O2041 20120918 O049O204100000001 SUBENT O2041001 20120918 O049O204100100001 BIB 12 30 O204100100002 TITLE A study of nuclear isomers which decay by spontaneous O204100100003 fission. O204100100004 AUTHOR (D.S.Brenner, L.Westgaard, S.Bjoernholm) O204100100005 INSTITUTE (2DENCOP) O204100100006 REFERENCE (J,NP,89,267,1966) O204100100007 REL-REF (O,O2042002,S.Bjoernholm+,J,NP/A,95,513,1967) O204100100008 Table data for Pu-242(d,2n) at 12.1 MeV for prompt O204100100009 fission and delay fission O204100100010 FACILITY (VDGT,2DENNBI) O204100100011 METHOD (PHD) O204100100012 DETECTOR (SIBAR) O204100100013 PART-DET (FF) O204100100014 SAMPLE Th-232, U-235, U-238, Pu-239, Pu-242, Am-241 and Am-242O204100100015 targets were used. The Th-232 target was a thin foil ofO204100100016 natural metal prepared by rolling specimen sandwiched O204100100017 between chromium-plated steel plates. Uranium targets O204100100018 were prepared by vacuum evaporation of the oxides into O204100100019 thin carbon foils. The Pu and Am targets were prepared O204100100020 by the molecular plating method. The targets material O204100100021 was placed onto the Ni side of a Ni-Cu foil which O204100100022 consisted of 225 mug/cm**2 Ni supported on a approx. O204100100023 2 mg/cm**2 Cu backing. Target thicknesses were in most O204100100024 cases determinate from the alpha-disintegration rates O204100100025 measured with a 2pi gas flow proportional counter. The O204100100026 electrodeposited targets were typically of thickness O204100100027 100-400 mug/cm**2. O204100100028 COMMENT No production of an isomer (20 ms< T(1/2)< 1 hr) was O204100100029 detected in 232Th, 235,238U, 239Pu and 241,243Am(d,2n) O204100100030 at E(d)=12 MeV and 243Am(p,2n) reaction at E(p)=13 MeV O204100100031 HISTORY (20120918C) SB O204100100032 ENDBIB 30 0 O204100100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 O204100100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O204100199999 SUBENT O2041002 20120918 O049O204100200001 BIB 4 8 O204100200002 REACTION 1((94-PU-242(D,2N)95-AM-242-L,,SIG)/ O204100200003 (94-PU-242(D,F),,SIG)) O204100200004 2(94-PU-242(D,2N)95-AM-242-L,,SIG) O204100200005 DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-L,16.7MSEC) O204100200006 STATUS (TABLE).Table 1 of J,NP,89,267,1966 plus value in O204100200007 in text for absolute cross section of 242-LAm from O204100200008 Pu-242 at 12 MeV deuteron bombardment. O204100200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O204100200010 ENDBIB 8 0 O204100200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O204100200012 DATA 4 1 O204100200013 EN DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 O204100200014 MEV NO-DIM MICRO-B MICRO-B O204100200015 12. 3.6E-05 8. 3. O204100200016 ENDDATA 3 0 O204100200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 O204100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O204199999999