ENTRY O1984 20120725 O049O198400000001 SUBENT O1984001 20120725 O049O198400100001 BIB 12 28 O198400100002 TITLE Astrophysical S factor for the He-4(He3,g)Be-7 reactionO198400100003 at medium energies. O198400100004 AUTHOR (M.Carmona-Gallardo, B.S.Nara Singh, O.Tengblad, O198400100005 M.Hass, M.Alcorta, M.J.G.Borge, J.A.Briz, C.Cruz, O198400100006 M.Cubero, R.Dominguez-Reyes, B.R.Fulton, H.Fynbo, O198400100007 N.Gordillo, G.Haquin, Y.Nir-El, V.Kumar, A.Maira, O198400100008 J.McGrath, A.Munoz-Martin, A.Perea, Z.Yungreis) O198400100009 INSTITUTE (2SPNSPN) Materials structure institute, O198400100010 Complutense University, Madrid, Spain O198400100011 (2UK UK) University of York, York, UK O198400100012 (3ISLWZI) O198400100013 (3ISLSOR) O198400100014 (2DENAAU) O198400100015 (2SPNAUT) O198400100016 REFERENCE (J,JP/CS,337,012061,2012) O198400100017 REL-REF (M,O1268001,B.S.Nara Singh+,J,PRL,93,262503,2004) O198400100018 HISTORY (20120725C) SB O198400100019 SAMPLE A He-4 gas target pressure in the chamber is isolated O198400100020 from beam line high vacuum by using 1 mum thick nickel O198400100021 window. O198400100022 MONITOR (28-NI-0(HE3,EL)28-NI-0,,DA) O198400100023 DETECTOR (HPGE) The number of Be-7 nuclei is determined by O198400100024 measuring the Be-7 activity on a Cu-catcher. O198400100025 (SIBAR) For the elastically scattered beam particles O198400100026 from the Ni-window. O198400100027 FACILITY (VDGT,2SPNAUT) 5 MV Tandem accelerator O198400100028 METHOD (BCINT) O198400100029 STATUS (TABLE).Table 1 of J,JP/CS,337,012601,2012 O198400100030 ENDBIB 28 0 O198400100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 O198400100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 O198400199999 SUBENT O1984002 20120725 O049O198400200001 BIB 2 8 O198400200002 REACTION 1(2-HE-4(HE3,G)4-BE-7,,SIG,,SFC) O198400200003 The cross sections values obtained by using the O198400200004 charge integration. O198400200005 2(2-HE-4(HE3,G)4-BE-7,,SIG,,SFC) O198400200006 The cross sections values obtained by using the O198400200007 number of beam particles from Rutherford scattering. O198400200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S).Statistical error is reported by authors in O198400200009 table. O198400200010 ENDBIB 8 0 O198400200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O198400200012 DATA 5 6 O198400200013 EN-CM DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 O198400200014 KEV B*KEV B*KEV B*KEV B*KEV O198400200015 903.6 0.40 0.08 0.41 0.08 O198400200016 1487.5 0.31 0.02 0.31 0.02 O198400200017 2010.6 0.30 0.02 0.31 0.02 O198400200018 2256.0 0.37 0.04 0.37 0.04 O198400200019 2499.0 0.37 0.03 0.38 0.04 O198400200020 2791.1 0.41 0.02 0.41 0.02 O198400200021 ENDDATA 8 0 O198400200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O198400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O198499999999