ENTRY O1852 20100922 O044O185200000001 SUBENT O1852001 20100922 O044O185200100001 BIB 13 34 O185200100002 TITLE Level densities and gamma-ray strength functions in O185200100003 Sn isotopes. O185200100004 AUTHOR (H.K.Toft, A.C.Larsen, U.Agvaanluvsan, A.Buerger, O185200100005 M.Guttormsen, G.E.Mitchell, H.T.Nyhus, A.Schiller, O185200100006 S.Siem, N.U.H.Syed, A.Voinov) O185200100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,81,064311,2010) O185200100008 REL-REF (M,,A.Schiller+,J,NIM/A,447,498,2000) Method of O185200100009 extract level density from gamma spectra. O185200100010 INSTITUTE (2NOROSL) O185200100011 (1USASTF) O185200100012 (3MGLNUM) O185200100013 (1USANCS) O185200100014 (1USATNL) O185200100015 (1USAOHO) O185200100016 SAMPLE The self-supporting Sn-119 target was enriched to 93.2%O185200100017 and had a mass thickness of 1.6 mg/cm**2. O185200100018 FACILITY (CYCLO,2NOROSL) To accelerate He-3 to 38 MeV from the O185200100019 cyclotron at the University of Oslo. O185200100020 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SILI) The detector system, contains of seven O185200100021 Si delta-E-E telescopes. Each telescope consists O185200100022 of a front Si delta-E detector and a back Si(Li) E O185200100023 detector with thicknesses 140 and 1500 mum, O185200100024 respectively. O185200100025 (NAICR) The gamma-rays were detected in 26 collimated O185200100026 NaI(Tl) detector array with a total efficiency of O185200100027 approx. 16%. O185200100028 ANALYSIS (UNFLD).Corrected for response of NaI detectors O185200100029 (PGS).Level density from primary gamma matrix O185200100030 METHOD (COINC) O185200100031 ADD-RES The radiative strength functions in Sn-116,117,118 and O185200100032 Sn-119 were reported also. O185200100033 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Oslo's compilation O185200100034 http://ocl.uio.no O185200100035 HISTORY (20100922C) SB O185200100036 ENDBIB 34 0 O185200100037 COMMON 1 3 O185200100038 EN O185200100039 MEV O185200100040 38. O185200100041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O185200100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 O185200199999 SUBENT O1852002 20100930 O044O185200200001 BIB 4 5 O185200200002 REACTION (50-SN-118(0,0),,LD) O185200200003 Derived from Sn-119(He3,a)Sn-118* reaction O185200200004 PART-DET (A,G) O185200200005 EN-SEC (E-EXC,50-SN-118) O185200200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors. O185200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O185200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O185200200009 DATA 3 21 O185200200010 E-EXC DATA DATA-ERR O185200200011 MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV O185200200012 0.280 0.1750 0.0489 O185200200013 0.640 0.32 0.11 O185200200014 1.000 0.474 0.178 O185200200015 1.360 2.13 0.50 O185200200016 1.720 4.860 0.852 O185200200017 2.080 6.32 1.82 O185200200018 2.440 16.80 4.03 O185200200019 2.800 34.90 6.98 O185200200020 3.160 60.1 14.8 O185200200021 3.520 129. 31.1 O185200200022 3.880 281.0 65.3 O185200200023 4.240 353. 101. O185200200024 4.600 949. 213. O185200200025 4.960 1240. 393. O185200200026 5.320 2680. 821. O185200200027 5.680 3430. 1390. O185200200028 6.040 5760. 2610. O185200200029 6.400 11800. 5070. O185200200030 6.760 12900. 7560. O185200200031 7.120 45400. 22300. O185200200032 7.480 102000. 54900. O185200200033 ENDDATA 23 0 O185200200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O185200299999 SUBENT O1852003 20100930 O044O185200300001 BIB 4 5 O185200300002 REACTION (50-SN-119(0,0),,LD) O185200300003 Derived from Sn-119(He3,INL)Sn-119* reaction O185200300004 PART-DET (G) O185200300005 EN-SEC (E-EXC,50-SN-119) O185200300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors. O185200300007 ENDBIB 5 0 O185200300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O185200300009 DATA 3 25 O185200300010 E-EXC DATA DATA-ERR O185200300011 MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV O185200300012 0.140 11.70 1.66 O185200300013 0.380 19.40 2.12 O185200300014 0.620 12.80 2.35 O185200300015 0.860 17.80 3.28 O185200300016 1.100 49.30 5.19 O185200300017 1.340 73.50 7.19 O185200300018 1.580 77.60 10.4 O185200300019 1.820 114.0 17.8 O185200300020 2.060 287.0 26.3 O185200300021 2.300 408.0 37.9 O185200300022 2.540 472.0 55.1 O185200300023 2.780 481.0 79.3 O185200300024 3.020 763. 111. O185200300025 3.260 1190. 176. O185200300026 3.500 1320. 210. O185200300027 3.740 1390. 321. O185200300028 3.980 2210. 470. O185200300029 4.220 3180. 791. O185200300030 4.460 5940. 1340. O185200300031 4.700 4300. 1380. O185200300032 4.940 9160. 3030. O185200300033 5.180 11300. 5910. O185200300034 5.420 13900. 10200. O185200300035 5.660 44100. 24300. O185200300036 5.900 93100. 66000. O185200300037 ENDDATA 27 0 O185200300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 O185200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O185299999999