ENTRY O1619 20191008 O072O161900000001 SUBENT O1619001 20191008 O072O161900100001 BIB 6 14 O161900100002 TITLE Remotely controlled target system for the routine O161900100003 production of Rb-81. O161900100004 AUTHOR (F.Helus, H.Gasper, U.Sahm, W.Maier-Borst) O161900100005 INSTITUTE (2GERDKZ) O161900100006 REFERENCE (J,RRL,44,187,1980) O161900100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERDKZ) The Heidelberg cyclotron provides O161900100008 12 MeV deuterons, 22 MeV protons and alpha-particles O161900100009 and 28 MeV He-3. O161900100010 HISTORY (20080220C) SB O161900100011 (20120614A) SD: Journal title corrected: ref. JRN,140 O161900100012 moved to REL-REF. SF8=A was added in REACTION code O161900100013 of Subents 2-6 O161900100014 (20191008D) SD: Entry deleted according to O161900100015 MEMO CP/D-933rev.) O161900100016 ENDBIB 14 0 O161900100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 O161900100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O161900199999 NOSUBENT O1619002 20191008 O072O161900200001 NOSUBENT O1619003 20191008 O072O161900300001 NOSUBENT O1619004 20191008 O072O161900400001 NOSUBENT O1619005 20191008 O072O161900500001 NOSUBENT O1619006 20191008 O072O161900600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 O161999999999