ENTRY O1586 20180630 O066O158600000001 SUBENT O1586001 20180630 O066O158600100001 BIB 14 31 O158600100002 TITLE Cross sections for the formation of In-114-m and O158600100003 In-116-m on bombardment of cadmium by deuterons. O158600100004 REFERENCE (J,RPC,13,129,1979) O158600100005 AUTHOR (S.J.Nassiff, O.Herreros Usher, C.Wasilevsky) O158600100006 INSTITUTE (3ARGCNE) O158600100007 MONITOR (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) O158600100008 MONIT-REF (B0142005,U.Martens,R,KFK-1083,1969) O158600100009 SAMPLE Stacks of natural cadmium foils were used. The target O158600100010 stack was thick enough to stop the 27.5 MeV deuteron - O158600100011 external beam. O158600100012 Thin target foils were placed between aluminum foils. O158600100013 DETECTOR (GELI)) A high resolution Ge(Li) detector. O158600100014 FACILITY (SYNCY,3ARGCNE) the 60 inch synchrocyclotron of the O158600100015 Argentine CNEA. O158600100016 METHOD (STTA) O158600100017 (ACTIV) O158600100018 (EXTB) O158600100019 (GSPEC) O158600100020 ANALYSIS (DECAY,AREA) O158600100021 CORRECTION No corrections were made either for the energy spread O158600100022 at each foil resulting from foil thickness variations O158600100023 or for deuteron energy losses at preceding foils. O158600100024 Losses of reaction products by recoil were assumed to O158600100025 be negligible. O158600100026 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR,,1.) Maximum uncertainty in the incident beam O158600100027 energy was estimated to be less than 1%. O158600100028 HISTORY (20071218C) SB O158600100029 (20160205A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subent 002. O158600100030 Subent 004 deleted (Impossible to compile within the O158600100031 current rules). Small corrections in all Subents. O158600100032 (20180630U) SD: Ref. IPC,13,129 corrected (IPC->RPC). O158600100033 ENDBIB 31 0 O158600100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 O158600100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O158600199999 SUBENT O1586002 20160206 O056O158600200001 BIB 6 19 O158600200002 REACTION (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-114-M,,SIG,,DAM) see COMMENT O158600200003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,50.D,DG,189.9,,DG,1097.1) O158600200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties in the cross section values O158600200005 were obtained by propagating in quadrature the O158600200006 contributions from peak analysis, including counting O158600200007 statistics and decay curve analysis, absolute detector O158600200008 efficiencies, disintegration schemes, target O158600200009 thicknesses and deuteron flux. O158600200010 COMMENT /by Compiler/ O158600200011 1. To get presentation of cr.section in usual form, O158600200012 someone should multiplying values on the average atomicO158600200013 mass of target (in this case: 112.411) O158600200014 2. The authors indicated different the half-life for O158600200015 In-114-m (54 min and 50 day), but according Nuclear O158600200016 Wallet Cards In-114-m has half-life equal 49.51 day. O158600200017 STATUS (TABLE) table 1 from IPC,13,129,1979 O158600200018 HISTORY (20160206A) SD: SF8=DAM added to REACTION code. O158600200019 Compiler's derived data: DATA(-ERR) deleted; author's O158600200020 data: MISC(-ERR) -> DATA(-ERR). COMMENT added. O158600200021 ENDBIB 19 0 O158600200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 O158600200023 DATA 3 16 O158600200024 EN DATA DATA-ERR O158600200025 MEV MB MB O158600200026 27.3 1.187 0.08 O158600200027 26.4 1.006 0.09 O158600200028 25.5 0.954 0.09 O158600200029 24.5 1.006 0.09 O158600200030 23.5 1.126 0.08 O158600200031 22.5 1.126 0.07 O158600200032 21.4 1.242 0.08 O158600200033 20.3 1.320 0.09 O158600200034 19.2 1.517 0.10 O158600200035 17.9 1.388 0.10 O158600200036 16.7 1.564 0.10 O158600200037 15.4 1.647 0.10 O158600200038 13.9 1.522 0.10 O158600200039 12.4 1.189 0.08 O158600200040 10.8 0.776 0.07 O158600200041 8.9 0.271 0.04 O158600200042 ENDDATA 18 0 O158600200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 O158600299999 SUBENT O1586003 20160206 O056O158600300001 BIB 4 11 O158600300002 REACTION (48-CD-116(D,2N)49-IN-116-M,,SIG) O158600300003 COMMENT *By authors*.The Cd-116(d,2n)In-116-M includes the O158600300004 contribution of 2.16 sec isomeric state due to the O158600300005 decay of the shorter lived precursor. O158600300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties in the cross section values O158600300007 were obtained by propagating in quadrature the O158600300008 contributions from peak analysis, including counting O158600300009 statistics and decay curve analysis, absolute detector O158600300010 efficiencies, disintegration schemes, target O158600300011 thicknesses and deuteron flux. O158600300012 STATUS (TABLE) table 1 from IPC,13,129,1979 O158600300013 ENDBIB 11 0 O158600300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O158600300015 DATA 3 12 O158600300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR O158600300017 MEV MB MB O158600300018 22.9 189.6 19. O158600300019 22.0 333.4 30. O158600300020 21.0 329.9 31. O158600300021 19.9 374.6 38. O158600300022 18.8 462.2 45. O158600300023 17.7 525.2 51. O158600300024 16.5 632.1 60. O158600300025 15.2 551.7 56. O158600300026 13.9 633.6 61. O158600300027 12.5 547. 51. O158600300028 11.0 498.6 49. O158600300029 9.2 226.6 24. O158600300030 ENDDATA 14 0 O158600300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O158600399999 NOSUBENT O1586004 20160206 O056O158600400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 O158699999999