ENTRY O1551 20170419 O061O155100000001 SUBENT O1551001 20170419 O061O155100100001 BIB 9 37 O155100100002 TITLE Sr-84(x,x') and Sr-84(x,x'g) measurements with 13-MeV O155100100003 protons, 12-MeV deuterons and 18 MeV alpha particles. O155100100004 AUTHOR (A.C.Rester, B.van Nooijen, P.Spilling, J.Konijn, O155100100005 J.J.Pinajian) O155100100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,7,210,1973) O155100100007 INSTITUTE (2NEDDEL) O155100100008 (2NEDENT) O155100100009 (2NEDIKO) Institute Voor Kernphysisch Onderzoer, O155100100010 Amsterdam, Netherlands. O155100100011 (1USAORL) O155100100012 FACILITY (VDGT,2NEDUTR) the 6-MV tandem Van de Graaff. O155100100013 SAMPLE 82% enriched Sr-84, prepared in the chemical form O155100100014 SrCO(3), had the following isotopic composition- O155100100015 Sr-84 - 82.2%, O155100100016 Sr-86 - 3.7%, O155100100017 Sr-87 - 1.6%, O155100100018 Sr-88 - 12.5% O155100100019 The SrCO(3) was converted to SrO by heating. Four partsO155100100020 of SrO were mixed with one part of Al powder, the O155100100021 mixture was then pressed into pellets of about 5 mg O155100100022 each. For each target, two of the pellets were placed O155100100023 in a small tantalum chimney evaporation apparatus. O155100100024 The Sr-84 metal liberated was collected on O155100100025 a 20-mug/cm*2 thick carbon film. The film was then O155100100026 remounted on a Al target frame. O155100100027 Targets approximately 150 mug/cm**2 thick for the O155100100028 alpha and proton scattering experiments and about O155100100029 20-mug/cm**2 thick for the d-scattering experiment O155100100030 were produced. O155100100031 METHOD (EDE) O155100100032 ADD-RES SR-84(alpha,alpha') and Sr-84(p,p')spectra were O155100100033 observed (no data for EXFOR). The alpha'-gamma and O155100100034 p'-gamma coincidence experiments were also performed. O155100100035 HISTORY (20071003C) S.B O155100100036 (20170419A) SD:Illegal blank from author's list deletedO155100100037 Small correction in Subent 002. EN-RSL-FW delete (this O155100100038 is energy resolution in the outgoing energy). O155100100039 ENDBIB 37 0 O155100100040 NOCOMMON 0 0 O155100100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 O155100199999 SUBENT O1551002 20170419 O061O155100200001 BIB 8 16 O155100200002 REACTION (38-SR-84(D,INL)38-SR-84,PAR,DA) fig 3 O155100200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,38-SR-84) O155100200004 LEVEL-PROP (38-SR-84,E-LVL=0.793,SPIN=2.0,PARITY=+1.) O155100200005 (38-SR-84,E-LVL=2.447,SPIN=3.0,PARITY=-1.) O155100200006 DETECTOR (MAGSP) An Enge spectrograph with O155100200007 (PS) position-sensitive silicon detectors. O155100200008 (SIBAR) As monitor for normalization. O155100200009 ADD-RES (COMP).DWBA analysis. O155100200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S).The error shown on the experimental points are O155100200011 twice the statistical error in each case. O155100200012 STATUS (CURVE) By CAJAD. fig.3 from PR/C,7,210,1973 O155100200013 HISTORY (20071003C) S.B O155100200014 (20170419A) SD: INC-SPECT deleted Infor moved to O155100200015 ERR-ANALYS. Meaningless zeros were deleted from right O155100200016 side of the values. EN-RSL-FW deleted (not for O155100200017 incident energy). O155100200018 ENDBIB 16 0 O155100200019 COMMON 2 3 O155100200020 EN ANG-ERR-D O155100200021 MEV ADEG O155100200022 12. 0.4 O155100200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O155100200024 DATA 4 26 O155100200025 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S O155100200026 MEV ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O155100200027 0.793 20.3 1.560 5. O155100200028 0.793 25.4 2.600 5. O155100200029 0.793 31.1 2.670 6. O155100200030 0.793 35.7 2.060 4. O155100200031 0.793 44.5 1.470 5. O155100200032 0.793 56.3 1.660 7. O155100200033 0.793 66.3 1.110 7. O155100200034 0.793 76.2 0.950 6. O155100200035 0.793 86.3 0.590 8. O155100200036 0.793 96.4 0.570 7. O155100200037 0.793 106.1 0.445 5. O155100200038 0.793 116.6 0.298 8. O155100200039 0.793 126.5 0.284 10. O155100200040 2.447 21.1 0.243 6. O155100200041 2.447 25.5 0.261 6. O155100200042 2.447 31.0 0.377 6. O155100200043 2.447 36.0 0.470 4. O155100200044 2.447 44.8 0.413 4. O155100200045 2.447 56.4 0.313 7. O155100200046 2.447 66.8 0.386 6. O155100200047 2.447 76.3 0.389 6. O155100200048 2.447 86.9 0.261 5. O155100200049 2.447 96.8 0.224 6. O155100200050 2.447 106.7 0.186 4. O155100200051 2.447 116.5 0.221 5. O155100200052 2.447 126.5 0.172 7. O155100200053 ENDDATA 28 0 O155100200054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 O155100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O155199999999