ENTRY O1455 20160805 O058O145500000001 SUBENT O1455001 20160805 O058O145500100001 BIB 11 26 O145500100002 TITLE In flight production of a 8-Li radioactive beam for BigO145500100003 Bang nucleosynthesis investigations at LNS Catania O145500100004 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,565,406,2006) O145500100005 REL-REF (R,O0792001,S.Cherubini+,J,EPJ/A,20,355,2004) O145500100006 The details of the experiment. O145500100007 (R,C1049002,P.R.Wrean+,J,PR/C,62,055805,2000) O145500100008 The 4-Pi neutron counter. O145500100009 AUTHOR (C.Agodi,R.Alba,L.Calabretta,S.Cherubini,L.Cosentino, O145500100010 A.Del Zoppo, A.Di Pietro, P.Figuera,M.Gulino, O145500100011 A.Musumarra,M.G.Pellegriti,R.Pizzone,C.Rolfs,S.Romano, O145500100012 C.Spitaleri,S.Tudisco, A.Tumino) O145500100013 INSTITUTE (2ITYLNS) INFN-laboratori Nazionali del Sud O145500100014 (2ITYCAT) O145500100015 (2GERBOC) O145500100016 PART-DET (N) O145500100017 DETECTOR (SCIN) The 4-Pi thermalization neutron counter O145500100018 FACILITY (PRJFS,2ITYLNS) O145500100019 SAMPLE The 4-He gas target (20 cm long at 150 mb pressure) wasO145500100020 located at the centre of the 4-Pi thermalization O145500100021 neutron counter. O145500100022 METHOD (EXTB) 8-Li beam rate of at most 1000 1/sec. O145500100023 70 h short bombardment. O145500100024 HISTORY (20070112C) O145500100025 (20070528U) Last checking has been done. O145500100026 (20160805A) SD: EN -> EN-CM in Subent 002; author's O145500100027 names corrected. ERR-DIG -> ERR-S. O145500100028 ENDBIB 26 0 O145500100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 O145500100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O145500199999 SUBENT O1455002 20160805 O058O145500200001 BIB 4 6 O145500200002 REACTION ((2-HE-4(3-LI-8,N)5-B-11,,SIG)= O145500200003 (3-LI-8(A,N)5-B-11,,SIG)) O145500200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error O145500200005 STATUS (CURVE) By CAJAD: fig.9 from NIM/A,565,406,2006 O145500200006 HISTORY (20160805A) SD: En was taken from the text on p.414 O145500200007 EN -> EN-CM. Li-8(alpha,n) was added to REACTION code. O145500200008 ENDBIB 6 0 O145500200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O145500200010 DATA 4 1 O145500200011 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-S O145500200012 MEV MEV MB MB O145500200013 1.25 0.2 500. 160. O145500200014 ENDDATA 3 0 O145500200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 O145500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O145599999999