ENTRY O1333 20191009 O072O133300000001 SUBENT O1333001 20191009 O072O133300100001 BIB 11 21 O133300100002 TITLE Production of no carrier added residue free Na-22 O133300100003 AUTHOR (J.L.Q.de Britto, M.A.V.Bastos, R.F.da Silva, O133300100004 A.G.da Silva) O133300100005 INSTITUTE (3BZLIEN) O133300100006 REFERENCE (J,JRN/L,127,31,1988) O133300100007 SAMPLE The target was prepared by closely mixing and pressing O133300100008 Mg- and Cu-powdered metals, 80% and 20%, respectively.O133300100009 The final pellet was 1-cm in diameter and 0.1-cm thick.O133300100010 DETECTOR (HPGE) O133300100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,3BZLIEN) CV-28 cyclotron. O133300100012 METHOD (CHSEP) The chemical separation was performed 6-days O133300100013 after the bombardment to allow the 14.9-hr Na-24 to O133300100014 decay. The overall yield for the process was higher O133300100015 than 98%. O133300100016 ERR-ANALYS Any information is absent. O133300100017 STATUS (TABLE) Value from the text of O133300100018 J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Let.,127(1988)31 O133300100019 HISTORY (20060325C) O133300100020 (20060531U) Last checking has been done. O133300100021 (20170419U) SD:Illegal blank deleted from author's listO133300100022 (20191009A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subents 002.O133300100023 ENDBIB 21 0 O133300100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 O133300100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 O133300199999 SUBENT O1333002 20191009 O072O133300200001 BIB 3 4 O133300200002 REACTION (12-MG-CMP(D,X)11-NA-22,,TTY,,(PHY)) O133300200003 See SAMPLE for compound. O133300200004 REL-REF (A,,J.W.Irvine+,J,JCP,16,686,1948) O133300200005 HISTORY (20191009A) SD: SF8=DT -> (PHY) in REACTION code. O133300200006 ENDBIB 4 0 O133300200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O133300200008 DATA 2 1 O133300200009 EN DATA O133300200010 MEV MCI/MUAHR O133300200011 14. 1800. O133300200012 ENDDATA 3 0 O133300200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O133300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O133399999999