ENTRY O1275 20151207 O056O127500000001 SUBENT O1275001 20151207 O056O127500100001 BIB 11 28 O127500100002 TITLE A new internal target system for production of At-211 O127500100003 on the cyclotron U-120m. O127500100004 AUTHOR (O.Lebeda, R.Jiran, J.Ralis, J.Stursa) O127500100005 INSTITUTE (3CZRUJF) O127500100006 REFERENCE (J,ARI,63,49,2005) O127500100007 SAMPLE The thin bismuth layer (3-5-mum) of 10*50-mm area was O127500100008 evaporated onto a light (7.5-g) aluminum backing. O127500100009 The backing was then released from the target holder O127500100010 and used directly for astatine separation via dry O127500100011 distillation. O127500100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) O127500100013 (IOCH) The At-211 activity was subsequently measured O127500100014 on a calibrated ionising chamber. O127500100015 FACILITY (CYCLO,3CZRUJF) The U-120M cyclotron. O127500100016 METHOD (INTB) The intensity of the beam varied between 10 and O127500100017 30-micro-amperes. O127500100018 (ACTIV) The target was irradiated for 1 -2 hours. O127500100019 (BCINT) O127500100020 COMMENT -By authors. The overall separation yield of At-211 wasO127500100021 found to be 65-75%. The activity of at-211 left in the O127500100022 target was less than 10%. The most serious losses were O127500100023 probably due to deposition of astatine on the colder O127500100024 part of the quartz tube. Separation was finished withinO127500100025 2-hours after EOB. O127500100026 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.2 from ARI,63,49,2005 O127500100027 HISTORY (20050514C) O127500100028 (20051009U) Last checking has been done. O127500100029 (20151207A) SD: DECAY-DATA was corrected in Subent 002.O127500100030 ENDBIB 28 0 O127500100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 O127500100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 O127500199999 SUBENT O1275002 20151207 O056O127500200001 BIB 5 18 O127500200002 REACTION 1(83-BI-209(A,2N)85-AT-211,,TTY,,SAT) O127500200003 2(83-BI-209(A,2N)85-AT-211,,TTY,,PHY) O127500200004 DECAY-DATA (85-AT-211,7.214HR,DG,687.,0.00261) O127500200005 (84-PO-211,,DG,897.80,0.003265, O127500200006 DG,569.79,0.00291) O127500200007 (85-AT-210,8.1HR,DG,1181.39,0.993, O127500200008 DG,245.31,0.79) O127500200009 The intensities of gamma-lines of Po are given per At O127500200010 decay. O127500200011 COMMENT -By authors. The At-211 activity was calculated via O127500200012 an 897.80-KeV gamma line of Po-211 and the At-210 O127500200013 activity via its 1181.39-KeV gamma line. O127500200014 Presented data are average for 10 measurements. O127500200015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties O127500200016 HISTORY (20151207A) SD: Half-life (138.38d) of Po-211 deleted O127500200017 from DECAY-DATA (hl=0.516sec in ENSDF). SF8=SAT was O127500200018 added to REACTION (1) code; SF8=DT -> PHY was added to O127500200019 REACTION (2) code following new EXFOR rules. O127500200020 ENDBIB 18 0 O127500200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 O127500200022 DATA 5 1 O127500200023 EN DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 O127500200024 MEV MBQ/MUA MBQ/MUA MBQ/MUAHR MBQ/MUAHR O127500200025 29.5 395. 24. 38. 2.3 O127500200026 ENDDATA 3 0 O127500200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O127500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O127599999999