ENTRY O1178 20170419 O061O117800000001 SUBENT O1178001 20170419 O061O117800100001 BIB 13 35 O117800100002 TITLE Measurement and microscopic analysis of the B-11(p,p) O117800100003 reaction at E(p)=150-MeV . Depolarization in elastic O117800100004 scattering from odd-A nuclei. O117800100005 AUTHOR (V.M.Hannen, K.Amos, A.M.van den Berg, R.K.Bieber, O117800100006 P.K.Deb, F.Ellinghaus, D.Frekers, M.Hagemann, O117800100007 M.N.Harakeh, J.Heyse, M.A.de Huu, B.A.M.Krusemann, O117800100008 S.Rakers, R.Schmidt, S.Y.van der Werf, H.J.Wortche) O117800100009 INSTITUTE (2NEDGRN) O117800100010 (3AULAML) O117800100011 (2GERMST) O117800100012 (2BLGGHT) O117800100013 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,67,054321,2003) O117800100014 ADD-RES (COMP) Microscopic DWBA calculations. O117800100015 REL-REF (I,O1177001,V.M.Hannen+,J,PR/C,67,054320,2003) Details O117800100016 of experiments. O117800100017 SAMPLE To reduce errors in the measurement of the polarizationO117800100018 of the beam by changes in the beam profile at the in- O117800100019 beam polarimeter target position, a spot target was O117800100020 used consisting of a 100-mg/cm**2 CH(2) foil with a O117800100021 diameter of 2-mm placed on a 4-mum thin aluminum O117800100022 backing. O117800100023 DETECTOR (MAGSP) O117800100024 The focal-plane-detection system - FPDS is located O117800100025 near focal plane of the Big-Bite spectrometer. O117800100026 (MWDC,SCIN) The FPDS consists of two vertical drift O117800100027 chambers, and two scintillator planes mounted behind O117800100028 each other, each consisting of five scintillators. O117800100029 FACILITY (ISOCY,2NEDGRN) AGOR Cyclotron of the KVI . O117800100030 INC-SOURCE (POLIS) O117800100031 METHOD (BCINT,SITA) O117800100032 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD. O117800100033 HISTORY (20041104C) O117800100034 (20041205A) Some subentries were excluded. O117800100035 (20041205U) Last checking has been done. O117800100036 (20170418U) SD:Illegal blank from author's list deletedO117800100037 ENDBIB 35 0 O117800100038 COMMON 1 3 O117800100039 EN O117800100040 MEV O117800100041 150. O117800100042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O117800100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 O117800199999 SUBENT O1178002 20041205 0000O117800200001 BIB 3 6 O117800200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,NN,POL/DA,,D) Figure 2 O117800200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is shown by authors on figure. O117800200004 (ANG-ERR).The error is shown by authors on figure. O117800200005 An analysis of the uncertainties is not given. O117800200006 COMMENT -By authors. The elastic-scattering data provide a testO117800200007 of the validity of the analysis procedure. O117800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 O117800200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O117800200010 DATA 4 8 O117800200011 ANG-CM ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O117800200012 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM O117800200013 5.3 1.4 0.98 6.E-02 O117800200014 7.6 1.5 0.96 3.E-02 O117800200015 15.8 1.4 0.959 2.7E-02 O117800200016 17.8 1.5 0.966 2.8E-02 O117800200017 20. 1.7 0.992 3.E-02 O117800200018 22.1 1.5 0.978 3.E-02 O117800200019 24.4 1.5 0.95 4.E-02 O117800200020 26.8 1.5 0.97 4.E-02 O117800200021 ENDDATA 10 0 O117800200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O117800299999 SUBENT O1178003 20041205 0000O117800300001 BIB 2 3 O117800300002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,EL)5-B-11,NN,POL/DA,,D) Fig 2 O117800300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors on fig. O117800300004 (ANG-ERR).The error is reported by authors on fig. O117800300005 ENDBIB 3 0 O117800300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O117800300007 DATA 4 10 O117800300008 ANG-CM ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O117800300009 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM O117800300010 5.4 1.6 0.98 4.E-02 O117800300011 7.8 1.4 0.992 2.6E-02 O117800300012 10.9 1.5 0.978 2.8E-02 O117800300013 16.3 1.5 0.984 2.3E-02 O117800300014 18.3 1.4 0.977 2.2E-02 O117800300015 20.7 1.4 0.981 2.4E-02 O117800300016 22.8 1.6 0.95 2.4E-02 O117800300017 25. 1.6 0.935 2.6E-02 O117800300018 27.2 1.5 0.92 2.5E-02 O117800300019 30.8 1.5 0.822 3.E-02 O117800300020 ENDDATA 12 0 O117800300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 O117800399999 SUBENT O1178004 20041205 0000O117800400001 BIB 4 5 O117800400002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D) Fig 2 O117800400003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,5-B-11) O117800400004 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.020,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) O117800400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors on fig. O117800400006 (ANG-ERR).The error is reported by authors on fig. O117800400007 ENDBIB 5 0 O117800400008 COMMON 1 3 O117800400009 E-LVL O117800400010 MEV O117800400011 5.02 O117800400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O117800400013 DATA 4 7 O117800400014 ANG-CM ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O117800400015 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM O117800400016 16.4 2.4 0.19 0.18 O117800400017 18.5 2.6 0.43 0.14 O117800400018 20.8 2.5 0.66 0.14 O117800400019 22.7 2.1 0.76 0.11 O117800400020 25.2 2.4 0.72 0.13 O117800400021 27.4 2.4 0.78 9.E-02 O117800400022 30.8 2.5 0.69 0.11 O117800400023 ENDDATA 9 0 O117800400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 O117800499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 O117899999999