ENTRY O1096 20040326 0000O109600000001 SUBENT O1096001 20040326 0000O109600100001 BIB 15 24 O109600100002 TITLE A study of the Li-6(p,pip)Li-7 reaction close to O109600100003 threshold. O109600100004 AUTHOR (N.Willis, L.Bimbot, T.Hennino, J.C.Jourdain, O109600100005 Y.Le Bornes, F.Reide) O109600100006 INSTITUTE (2FR PAR) Insitute of nuclear physics, Orsay. O109600100007 REFERENCE (J,JP/G,19,417,1993) O109600100008 HISTORY (20040114C) O109600100009 (20040326U) Last checking has been done. O109600100010 SAMPLE A thin Li-6 target, thickness 47+/-2 mg/cm**2. O109600100011 REL-REF (R,,N.WILLIS+,J,JP/G,7,195,1981) Details of experimentsO109600100012 INC-SPECT EN-RSL-FW The overal energy resolution. O109600100013 ADD-RES A typical excitation spectrum of Li-7 was measured. O109600100014 PART-DET (PIP) O109600100015 DETECTOR (SCIN,IOCH) Pions were detected by two wire chambers O109600100016 triggered by a fourfold coincidence of signal O109600100017 scintillator. O109600100018 FACILITY (SYNCY,2FR PAR) IPN Orsay synchrocyclotron. O109600100019 METHOD (TOF) For particles identification. O109600100020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The absolute uncertainty in the values O109600100021 is coming principally from the determination of the O109600100022 solid-angle and detector efficiencies, target thicknessO109600100023 inhomogeneity and monitoring. O109600100024 (DATA-ERR).The error is indicated by authors in table. O109600100025 STATUS (TABLE) O109600100026 ENDBIB 24 0 O109600100027 COMMON 3 3 O109600100028 EN EN-RSL-FW ERR-T O109600100029 MEV KEV PER-CENT O109600100030 201. 300. 20. O109600100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O109600100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 O109600199999 SUBENT O1096002 20040326 0000O109600200001 BIB 3 5 O109600200002 REACTION (3-LI-6(P,PIP)3-LI-7,PAR,DA) O109600200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,3-LI-7) O109600200004 LEVEL-PROP (3-LI-7,E-LVL=0.000,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) O109600200005 (3-LI-7,E-LVL=0.477,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) O109600200006 (3-LI-7,E-LVL=4.630,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=-1.) O109600200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O109600200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O109600200009 DATA 4 12 O109600200010 ANG-CM E-LVL DATA-CM DATA-ERR O109600200011 ADEG MEV NB/SR NB/SR O109600200012 23.2 0. 71. 5. O109600200013 23.2 0.477 44. 2. O109600200014 23.6 4.63 323. 7. O109600200015 46. 0. 43. 3. O109600200016 46. 0.477 30. 2. O109600200017 46.3 4.63 210. 6. O109600200018 68. 0. 21. 2. O109600200019 68. 0.477 14. 2. O109600200020 68.4 4.63 97. 4. O109600200021 99.1 0. 11. 1. O109600200022 99.1 0.477 4. 1. O109600200023 99.5 4.63 35. 3. O109600200024 ENDDATA 14 0 O109600200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 O109600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O109699999999