ENTRY O1013 20040702 0000O101300000001 SUBENT O1013001 20040702 0000O101300100001 BIB 13 30 O101300100002 TITLE Thin-target excitation functions, cross-sections and O101300100003 optimised thick-target yields for Mo-nat(P,xn)Tc-94-g, O101300100004 Tc-95-m, Tc-95-g, Tc-96-m+g nuclear reactions induced O101300100005 by proton from threshold up to 44-MeV. No carrier O101300100006 added radiochemical separation and quality control. O101300100007 AUTHOR (M.Bonardi, C.Birattari, F.Groppi, E.Sabbioni) O101300100008 INSTITUTE (2ITYMIL) O101300100009 (2ITYITY) Institute for health and consumer protection O101300100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,2ITYMIL) The AVF cyclotron O101300100011 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG) O101300100012 REFERENCE (J,ARI,57,617,2002) O101300100013 MONIT-REF (B0038001,C.BIRATTARI+,J,NP/A,166,605,1971) O101300100014 (B0095001,J.B.CUMMING,J,NP,49,417,1964) O101300100015 ADD-RES (TTY-C) Thick-target yield values were calculated and O101300100016 optimised, by numerical fitting and integration of the O101300100017 measured excitation functions. O101300100018 METHOD (ACTIV) O101300100019 (BCINT) O101300100020 (EXTB) O101300100021 DETECTOR (GELI) A 50 cm**3 coaxial Ge(Li) detector. O101300100022 (HPGE) O101300100023 HISTORY (20021105C) O101300100024 (20040702D) Deleted. It is same as O0845 O101300100025 (20040702U) Last checking has been done. O101300100026 STATUS (TABLE) O101300100027 COMMENT -By authors. Average proton energy-mean value between O101300100028 the incident beam energy and the outgoing beam energy, O101300100029 calculated range and stopping-power tables by O101300100030 williamson that differ because of the small beam O101300100031 energy loss in target. O101300100032 ENDBIB 30 0 O101300100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 O101300100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O101300199999 NOSUBENT O1013002 20040702 0000O101300200001 NOSUBENT O1013003 20040702 0000O101300300001 NOSUBENT O1013004 20040702 0000O101300400001 NOSUBENT O1013005 20040702 0000O101300500001 ENDENTRY 5 0 O101399999999