ENTRY M0870 20140313 M072M087000000001 SUBENT M0870001 20140313 M072M087000100001 BIB 13 22 M087000100002 TITLE Photofission of 238U in the giant resonance region. M087000100003 AUTHOR (L.Z.Dzhilavyan, V.G.Nedorezov) M087000100004 INSTITUTE (4RUSJIA) M087000100005 REFERENCE (J,YF,76,1529,2013) M087000100006 #doi:10.7868/S0044002713120040 M087000100007 (J,PAN,76,1444,2013) - Eng.trans. of YF,76,1529,2013 M087000100008 #doi:10.1134/S1063778813120041 M087000100009 COMMENT Comparison of data from different experiments using M087000100010 those from the old publication of L.Z.Dzhilavyan M087000100011 et.al. - Preprint IYaI AN SSSR (Inst. of Nucl. M087000100012 Research of Russ.Acad.Sci., Moscow, 1979), P0121. M087000100013 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSJIA) M087000100014 INC-SOURCE (QMPH,ARAD) Quasimonoenergetic photons were obtained M087000100015 by annihilation of positrons in flight. M087000100016 METHOD (EXTB,STTA) M087000100017 DETECTOR (PLATE) Solid state tracker from policarbonate films M087000100018 (Makrofol-KG) detecting fission fragments. M087000100019 ANALYSIS Spark breakdown of the films. M087000100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information. M087000100021 STATUS (TABLE) Data published in text. M087000100022 HISTORY (20140313C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M087000100023 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M087000100024 ENDBIB 22 0 M087000100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 M087000100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M087000199999 SUBENT M0870002 20140313 M072M087000200001 BIB 1 1 M087000200002 REACTION (92-U-238(G,F),,SIG) M087000200003 ENDBIB 1 0 M087000200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 M087000200005 DATA 3 1 M087000200006 EN DATA ERR-S M087000200007 MEV MB MB M087000200008 10.0 65. 12. M087000200009 ENDDATA 3 0 M087000200010 ENDSUBENT 9 0 M087000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M087099999999