ENTRY M0853 20121001 M064M085300000001 SUBENT M0853001 20121001 M064M085300100001 BIB 14 24 M085300100002 TITLE Yields of photonuclear reactions on Sn isotopes at M085300100003 an energy of 29.1 MeV M085300100004 AUTHOR (B.S.Ishkhanov,S.Yu.Troshchiev,V.A.Chetvertkova) M085300100005 REFERENCE (J,IZV,76,539,2012) M085300100006 (J,BAS,76,481,2012) M085300100007 English translation of IZV,76,539,2012. M085300100008 #doi:10.3103/S1062873812040168 M085300100009 INSTITUTE (4RUSMOS) M085300100010 FACILITY (MICRT,4RUSMOS) 70 MeV RTM-70 racetrack microtron of M085300100011 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov M085300100012 Moscow State University. M085300100013 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M085300100014 SAMPLE Natural Sn sample, metal disk with diameter 2 cm and M085300100015 thickness 0.2 mm. M085300100016 METHOD (ACTIV) Induced beta-delayed g-activity measured. M085300100017 DETECTOR (HPGE) Hyperpure Germanium detector. M085300100018 ANALYSIS (AREA) Gamma-quanta energy spectrum lines data. M085300100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Root-mean-square errors. M085300100020 REL-REF (O,M0803002,B.S.ISHKHANOV+,J,IZV,75,594,2011) M085300100021 Data for E0 = 19.5 MeV. M085300100022 STATUS (APRVD) Data from the table approved by M085300100023 S.Yu.Troshchiev. M085300100024 HISTORY (20121001C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M085300100025 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M085300100026 ENDBIB 24 0 M085300100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 M085300100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 M085300199999 SUBENT M0853002 20121001 M064M085300200001 BIB 2 14 M085300200002 REACTION ((50-SN-0(G,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG,,BRA/REL)/ M085300200003 (50-SN-112(G,N)50-SN-111,,SIG,,BRA/REL)) M085300200004 COMMENT Authors nominate correspondingly the following M085300200005 reactions: (50-SN-124(G,N)50-SN-123-M) M085300200006 (50-SN-118(G,N)50-SN-117-M) M085300200007 (50-SN-114(G,N)50-SN-113) M085300200008 (50-SN-112(G,N)50-SN-111) M085300200009 (50-SN-120(G,P)49-IN-119-M) M085300200010 (50-SN-119(G,P)49-IN-118-M) M085300200011 (50-SN-118(G,P)49-IN-117-M) M085300200012 (50-SN-117(G,P)49-IN-116-M) M085300200013 (50-SN-116(G,P)49-IN-115-M) M085300200014 (50-SN-114(G,P)49-IN-113-M) M085300200015 (50-SN-112(G,2N)50-SN-110) M085300200016 ENDBIB 14 0 M085300200017 COMMON 1 3 M085300200018 EN-MAX M085300200019 MEV M085300200020 29.1 M085300200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M085300200022 DATA 5 11 M085300200023 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR M085300200024 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS M085300200025 50. 123. 1. 1.17 .33 M085300200026 50. 117. 1. .08 .02 M085300200027 50. 114. 1.44 .41 M085300200028 50. 111. 1. 1. .2 M085300200029 50. 110. .04 .01 M085300200030 49. 119. 1. 8.84E-3 2.85E-3 M085300200031 49. 118. 1. 4.76E-3 1.20E-3 M085300200032 49. 117. 1. 7.18E-3 3.03E-3 M085300200033 49. 116. 1. 7.25E-3 1.69E-3 M085300200034 49. 115. 1. 1.48E-2 0.42E-2 M085300200035 49. 113. 1. 2.52E-2 0.73E-2 M085300200036 ENDDATA 13 0 M085300200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 M085300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M085399999999