ENTRY M0219 20120927 M064M021900000001 SUBENT M0219001 20120927 M064M021900100001 BIB 13 22 M021900100002 TITLE Deuteron capture in He-3. M021900100003 AUTHOR (W.Buss,W.Del Bianco,H.Waffler,B.Ziegler) M021900100004 INSTITUTE (2GERMPH) M021900100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,112,47,1968) M021900100006 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(68)90218-2 M021900100007 FACILITY (CCW,2GERMNZ) M021900100008 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M021900100009 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M021900100010 DETECTOR (NAICR) High resolution spectrometer M021900100011 COMMENT Gamma-ray spectra from the He-3(D,G)Li-5 reaction, M021900100012 measured in the range Ed=0.2-1.2 MeV, consist of M021900100013 transitions to the Li-5 ground state and the first M021900100014 excited state. cross section of Li-5(g,d) reaction has M021900100015 been obtained from cross section of inverse reaction. M021900100016 PART-DET (G) M021900100017 ERR-ANALYS No information M021900100018 STATUS (CURVE) M021900100019 HISTORY (19840415C) M021900100020 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane M021900100021 (20120927A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: dates, doi, M021900100022 lowercase, SUBENT 002 (REACTION, ANALYSIS, STATUS) M021900100023 corrected in accordance with C0027004. M021900100024 ENDBIB 22 0 M021900100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 M021900100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M021900199999 SUBENT M0219002 20120927 M064M021900200001 BIB 4 6 M021900200002 REACTION (3-LI-5(G,D)2-HE-3,PAR,SIG,,,DERIV) M021900200003 ANALYSIS (DTBAL) Cross section for the direct photonuclear M021900200004 reaction has been obtained using the detailed balance M021900200005 relation. M021900200006 EN-SEC (E-LVL,3-LI-5) M021900200007 STATUS (DEP,C0027004) 3He(d,g0)5Li reaction cross section. M021900200008 ENDBIB 6 0 M021900200009 COMMON 1 3 M021900200010 E-LVL M021900200011 MEV M021900200012 0. M021900200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M021900200014 DATA 2 16 M021900200015 EN DATA M021900200016 MEV MICRO-B M021900200017 16.51 6.25 M021900200018 16.56 11.25 M021900200019 16.59 20. M021900200020 16.62 26.25 M021900200021 16.65 31. M021900200022 16.69 37.25 M021900200023 16.72 37. M021900200024 16.74 39.5 M021900200025 16.77 40. M021900200026 16.81 40.75 M021900200027 16.86 45. M021900200028 16.91 49. M021900200029 16.96 49. M021900200030 16.99 52.5 M021900200031 17.11 63.5 M021900200032 17.2 74. M021900200033 ENDDATA 18 0 M021900200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 M021900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M021999999999