ENTRY L0144 20120402 L018L014400000001 SUBENT L0144001 20120402 L018L014400100001 BIB 5 11 L014400100002 TITLE Photodisintegration of 80Se: Implications for the L014400100003 s-process branching at 79Se L014400100004 AUTHOR (A.Makinaga,H.Utsunomiya,S.Goriely,T.Kaihori,S.Goko, L014400100005 H.Akimune, T.Yamagata,H.Toyokawa,T.Matsumoto, L014400100006 H.Harano,H.Harada,F.Kitatani, Y.K.Hara,S.Hohara, L014400100007 Y.-W.Lui) L014400100008 INSTITUTE (2JPNKON,2BLGBRU,2JPNJAE,2JPNAIS,2JPNKNK,1USATAM) L014400100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,79,025801,2009) L014400100010 HISTORY (20090211C) Compiled by S.H. L014400100011 (20120331D) Entry deleted because of duplication with L014400100012 K2111 L014400100013 ENDBIB 11 0 L014400100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 L014400100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 L014400199999 NOSUBENT L0144002 20120402 L018L014400200001 ENDENTRY 2 0 L014499999999