ENTRY K2408 20130906 K013K240800000001 SUBENT K2408001 20130906 K013K240800100001 BIB 14 42 K240800100002 TITLE Dipole strength distribution in 56Fe K240800100003 AUTHOR (T.Shizuma, T.Hayakawa, H.Ohgaki, H.Toyokawa, K240800100004 T.Komatsubara, N.Kikuzawa, T.Inakura, M.Honma, K240800100005 H.Nakada) K240800100006 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE) Quantum Beam Science Directorate K240800100007 (2JPNKTO) Institute of Advanced Energy K240800100008 (2JPNAIS) K240800100009 (2JPNTSU) Institute of Physics K240800100010 (2JPNJAE) J-PARC Center K240800100011 (2JPNIPC) Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory K240800100012 (2JPNJPN) Department of Physics, Graduate School of K240800100013 Science, Chiba University K240800100014 (2JPNJPN) Center for Mathematical Science, University K240800100015 of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, K240800100016 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,87,024301,2013) K240800100017 PART-DET (G) K240800100018 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3.0E+05 PPS. (Average intensity on K240800100019 the target) K240800100020 (LCS) K240800100021 INC-SPECT - EN: Maximum energy K240800100022 - [EN-RSL] A 20-cm thick lead collimator with a 4-mm K240800100023 aperture was used to form quasi monochromatic photon K240800100024 beam at FWHM. K240800100025 SAMPLE - Target is natural. 91.8% K240800100026 - Chemical-form of target is element. K240800100027 - Physical-form of target is solid. K240800100028 - Target-thickness: 11-mm diameter and a 31-mm length K240800100029 METHOD (GSPEC) K240800100030 FACILITY (ESTRG,2JPNAIS) Tsukuba Electron Ring for Accelerating K240800100031 and Storage (TERAS) K240800100032 DETECTOR E-RSL: FWHM at gamma energy of 7MeV K240800100033 (NAICR) A large-volume (8 x12) NaI(TI) scintillation K240800100034 detector was used to measure the intensity of K240800100035 photon. K240800100036 (GE) The Ge detectors were placed horizontally at a K240800100037 scattering angle +- 90 degree K240800100038 ADD-RES (COMP) 1. Random phase approximation (Skyrme K240800100039 interaction for E1 components) K240800100040 (COMP) 2. Shell model (GXPF1J and KB3G effective K240800100041 interactions for M1 components) K240800100042 REL-REF (A,,F.Bauwens+,J,PR/C,62,024302,2000) K240800100043 HISTORY (20130404C) V.D and A. Makinaga K240800100044 ENDBIB 42 0 K240800100045 COMMON 2 3 K240800100046 EN-RSL-FW E-RSL-FW K240800100047 PER-CENT PER-CENT K240800100048 10. 0.09 K240800100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K240800100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 K240800199999 SUBENT K2408002 20130906 K013K240800200001 BIB 4 9 K240800200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(G,SCT)26-FE-56,,POL/DA,,ASY/PP/RES) K240800200003 EN-SEC ANG is polar angle (lab.) between beam and prompt K240800200004 gamma K240800200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties K240800200006 (EN-RES-ERR) For E1 transition the asymmetry is K240800200007 negative and for M1 the asymmetry has K240800200008 positive values K240800200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table I (and Fig.3) of Phys. Rev. C. 87 (2013) K240800200010 024301 K240800200011 ENDBIB 9 0 K240800200012 COMMON 1 3 K240800200013 ANG K240800200014 ADEG K240800200015 90. K240800200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K240800200017 DATA 5 40 K240800200018 EN-RES EN-RES-ERR DATA DATA-ERR PARITY K240800200019 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM K240800200020 6925.4 0.3 0.66 0.11 -1. K240800200021 7066.4 0.9 0.65 0.24 -1. K240800200022 7166.0 0.7 -0.81 0.21 1. K240800200023 7211.1 0.3 -0.93 0.09 1. K240800200024 7249.4 0.5 -0.92 0.13 1. K240800200025 7282.2 0.7 0.37 0.22 -1. K240800200026 7446.2 0.6 0.78 0.16 -1. K240800200027 7467.6 0.5 -0.93 0.14 1. K240800200028 7887.6 0.7 -0.73 0.18 1. K240800200029 8011.9 0.6 0.75 0.26 -1. K240800200030 8119.6 0.8 -0.39 0.10 1. K240800200031 8128.7 0.4 0.8 0.10 -1. K240800200032 8219.4 0.6 0.67 0.19 -1. K240800200033 8239.6 0.5 0.65 0.07 -1. K240800200034 8343.3 0.6 0.51 0.17 -1. K240800200035 8536.3 0.4 0.57 0.11 -1. K240800200036 8652.5 0.8 -0.55 0.09 1. K240800200037 8766.1 0.8 0.33 0.19 -1. K240800200038 8879.3 0.9 -0.62 0.33 1. K240800200039 8908.9 1.2 -0.65 0.27 1. K240800200040 8963.6 0.7 -0.54 0.22 1. K240800200041 8988.9 0.6 -0.74 0.32 1. K240800200042 9107.8 0.8 -0.55 0.13 1. K240800200043 9137.6 0.5 0.41 0.20 -1. K240800200044 9287.6 1.0 0.40 0.19 -1. K240800200045 9312.2 0.8 -0.59 0.16 1. K240800200046 9323.7 0.7 0.47 0.14 -1. K240800200047 9385.0 1.0 -0.46 0.22 1. K240800200048 9402.0 0.6 -0.44 0.19 1. K240800200049 9434.9 2.3 -0.74 0.37 1. K240800200050 9549.0 1.0 0.19 0.12 -1. K240800200051 9554.8 1.3 -0.37 0.11 1. K240800200052 9604.0 1.0 -0.79 0.38 1. K240800200053 9622.9 2.5 -0.76 0.25 1. K240800200054 9664.7 0.9 -0.87 0.26 1. K240800200055 9732.2 1.6 0.59 0.18 -1. K240800200056 9741.7 1.3 0.59 0.18 -1. K240800200057 9768.2 0.7 -0.72 0.25 1. K240800200058 9802.0 1.0 -0.63 0.34 1. K240800200059 9895.0 5.0 0.49 0.25 -1. K240800200060 ENDDATA 42 0 K240800200061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 K240800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 K240899999999