ENTRY G4024 20220316 G049G402400000001 SUBENT G4024001 20220316 G049G402400100001 BIB 13 31 G402400100002 TITLE Excitation of 109Pd and 112In nuclear isomers in (g,n) G402400100003 reactions G402400100004 AUTHOR (V.M.Mazur, Z.M.Bigan, D.M.Symochko) G402400100005 INSTITUTE (4UKRIEP) G402400100006 REFERENCE (J,PPN/L,5,374,2008) G402400100007 (J,FCY/L,5,628,2008) Rus.orig. of J,PPN/L,5,374,2008 G402400100008 (J,BAS,72,1548,2008) G402400100009 (J,IZV,72,1634,2008) Rus.orig. of J,BAS,72,1548,2008 G402400100010 REL-REF (O,G4013001,V.A.Zheltonozhsky+,J,BAS,72,1548,2008) G402400100011 110Pd,112Cd(g,n) data given G402400100012 FACILITY (MICRT,4UKRIEP) M-30 microtron G402400100013 The energy uncertainty for accelerated electrons did G402400100014 not exceed 50 keV. G402400100015 The current of accelerated electrons comprised 5 uA. G402400100016 INC-SOURCE (BRST) Stopping target represented the Ta plate G402400100017 SAMPLE Samples of metallic indium with the natural isotopic G402400100018 composition and mass of 0.5-1 g were used as targets. G402400100019 METHOD (ACTIV) Induced gamma-activity was measured. G402400100020 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li) detector with a volume of 100 cm2 and a G402400100021 resolution of 3.5 keV for the line 1332 keV of 60Co. G402400100022 ANALYSIS (PLA) The calculation was performed using the inverse G402400100023 matrix method. G402400100024 ADD-RES Cross sections of 113In(g,n)112mIn presented. G402400100025 HISTORY (20081128C) UkrNDC G402400100026 (20110203U) VS. DOI identifier corrected G402400100027 (20130529U) On. REFERENCE: FCY -> FCY/L,FCY/L -> PPN/L G402400100028 (20141120U) On. REFERENCE(FCY/L): vol# and page# G402400100029 (20161209U) VS. REFERENCE IZV added. G402400100030 (20170922A) OG 003 deleted (derived). ADD-RES added. G402400100031 (20180212A) On. Major revision in 002. G402400100032 (20220316U) On. REFERENCE(FCY/L): page 634 -> 628 G402400100033 ENDBIB 31 0 G402400100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 G402400100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 G402400199999 SUBENT G4024002 20180212 G040G402400200001 BIB 5 6 G402400200002 REACTION (49-IN-113(G,N)49-IN-112-M/T,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) G402400200003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-112-G,14.97MIN,DG,617.,.046) G402400200004 (49-IN-112-M,20.56MIN,DG,156.,.132) G402400200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors G402400200006 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3a of Phys.Part.Nucl.Lett.5(2008)374 G402400200007 HISTORY (20180212A) On. REACTION(SF4): -M/G -> -M/T G402400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 G402400200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 G402400200010 DATA 3 12 G402400200011 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G402400200012 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM G402400200013 9.997 0.91953 0.082050 G402400200014 10.501 0.87563 0.010256 G402400200015 10.847 0.85809 0.079121 G402400200016 11.395 0.83177 0.010256 G402400200017 11.871 0.84648 0.054212 G402400200018 12.375 0.80111 0.010256 G402400200019 12.880 0.77333 0.043956 G402400200020 13.846 0.75732 0.041024 G402400200021 14.854 0.73545 0.038095 G402400200022 15.834 0.72677 0.038097 G402400200023 16.915 0.71956 0.036630 G402400200024 17.881 0.71674 0.039562 G402400200025 ENDDATA 14 0 G402400200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 G402400299999 NOSUBENT G4024003 20170922 G039G402400300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 G402499999999