ENTRY F0023 20171110 F066F002300000001 SUBENT F0023001 20171110 F066F002300100001 BIB 7 18 F002300100002 TITLE Reaction constants for Li-7(p,n)Be-7. F002300100003 AUTHOR (R.Taschek,A.Hemmendinger) F002300100004 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) F002300100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,74,373,194808) F002300100006 FACILITY (VDG,1USALAS) F002300100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The absolute error in the cross section. F002300100008 (ERR-1) Error in mass determination F002300100009 (ERR-2) Error in absolute source strength of the F002300100010 secondary RaBe standards. F002300100011 (ERR-3) Error in activity measurements. F002300100012 HISTORY (19820511C) F002300100013 (19971212A) One Subent was split into 5. F002300100014 (19990407A) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year F002300100015 (20160427U) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code in F002300100016 Subents 002-005 and modified in Subent 006. BIB update.F002300100017 Subent 004 deleted (calibration points). F002300100018 (20171110A) In sub 005 units were changed, F002300100019 DATA, ERR-S: MB->B. F002300100020 ENDBIB 18 0 F002300100021 COMMON 6 3 F002300100022 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 F002300100023 MEV B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT F002300100024 0.0005 0.0005 12.0 5.0 6.0 2.0F002300100025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F002300100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 F002300199999 SUBENT F0023002 20160427 F062F002300200001 BIB 5 9 F002300200002 REACTION (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG) F002300200003 SAMPLE Metallic lithium targets, evaporated onto 0.25-mm thickF002300200004 tantalum caps. Target thicknesses above 0.08 mg/cm2 F002300200005 were consistently reliable, while for much lighter F002300200006 targets the chemical weights were untrustworthy. F002300200007 COMMENT Points from Be-7 activity. F002300200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars on the Be-7 points are the mean F002300200009 deviations of two or more runs F002300200010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig 2 of PR,74,373,1948 F002300200011 ENDBIB 9 0 F002300200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 F002300200013 DATA 3 11 F002300200014 EN DATA ERR-S F002300200015 MEV B B F002300200016 1.8817 0.1684 0.0142 F002300200017 1.9086 0.2287 0.0157 F002300200018 1.9950 0.2360 0.0118 F002300200019 2.0437 0.2290 0.0118 F002300200020 2.0912 0.2901 0.0177 F002300200021 2.1421 0.3630 0.0181 F002300200022 2.2948 0.4059 0.0130 F002300200023 2.3457 0.3198 0.0142 F002300200024 2.3920 0.3042 0.0197 F002300200025 2.4422 0.2716 0.0118 F002300200026 2.5386 0.2738 F002300200027 ENDDATA 13 0 F002300200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 F002300299999 SUBENT F0023003 20160427 F062F002300300001 BIB 6 13 F002300300002 REACTION (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG) F002300300003 SAMPLE Metallic lithium targets, evaporated onto 0.25-mm thickF002300300004 tantalum caps. Target thicknesses above 0.08 mg/cm2 F002300300005 were consistently reliable, while for much lighter F002300300006 targets the chemical weights were untrustworthy. F002300300007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Points from integrated angular distributions. F002300300008 MONITOR (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG) Mn bath exposures to F002300300009 Li(p,n)Be7 source. F002300300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,5.) The error are estimated to be 5% except F002300300011 at the lowest energies where they may be larger, due toF002300300012 changes in detector sensitivity and background. F002300300013 STATUS (CURVE) Fig 2 of PR,74,373,1948 F002300300014 (DEP,F0023004) F002300300015 ENDBIB 13 0 F002300300016 COMMON 3 3 F002300300017 EN-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR F002300300018 MEV B PER-CENT F002300300019 2.25 0.489 2.7 F002300300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F002300300021 DATA 2 13 F002300300022 EN DATA F002300300023 MEV B F002300300024 1.9499 0.2052 F002300300025 2.0005 0.2139 F002300300026 2.0501 0.2400 F002300300027 2.0996 0.2819 F002300300028 2.1494 0.3701 F002300300029 2.1997 0.4741 F002300300030 2.2493 0.4896 F002300300031 2.2947 0.4334 F002300300032 2.3490 0.3607 F002300300033 2.3998 0.3180 F002300300034 2.4495 0.3015 F002300300035 2.5002 0.2899 F002300300036 2.5498 0.2856 F002300300037 ENDDATA 15 0 F002300300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 F002300399999 NOSUBENT F0023004 20160427 F062F002300400001 SUBENT F0023005 20171110 F066F002300500001 BIB 5 8 F002300500002 REACTION (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG) F002300500003 SAMPLE Metallic lithium targets, evaporated onto 0.25-mm thickF002300500004 tantalum caps. Target thicknesses above 0.012 mg/cm2 F002300500005 were consistently reliable, while for much lighter F002300500006 targets the chemical weights were untrustworthy. F002300500007 COMMENT Points from fission rates F002300500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors in the fission counts F002300500009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig 2 of PR,74,373,1948 F002300500010 ENDBIB 8 0 F002300500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 F002300500012 DATA 3 6 F002300500013 EN DATA ERR-S F002300500014 MEV B B F002300500015 1.9999 0.2470 F002300500016 2.0996 0.2909 0.0106 F002300500017 2.1998 0.4237 0.0106 F002300500018 2.2493 0.4656 0.0181 F002300500019 2.2996 0.4181 0.0134 F002300500020 2.3993 0.3128 0.0110 F002300500021 ENDDATA 8 0 F002300500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 F002300599999 SUBENT F0023006 20160427 F062F002300600001 BIB 4 5 F002300600002 REACTION (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG,,,CALC) F002300600003 COMMENT Extrapolation to threshold assumed linear in F002300600004 sqrt(En). F002300600005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig 2 of PR,74,373,1948 F002300600006 HISTORY (20160427U) SD: SF9=EXP -> CALC in REACTION code. F002300600007 ENDBIB 5 0 F002300600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 F002300600009 DATA 2 8 F002300600010 EN DATA F002300600011 MEV B F002300600012 1.8615 0.0586 F002300600013 1.8649 0.0818 F002300600014 1.8668 0.1003 F002300600015 1.8696 0.1157 F002300600016 1.8725 0.1298 F002300600017 1.8740 0.1401 F002300600018 1.8759 0.1483 F002300600019 1.8788 0.1625 F002300600020 ENDDATA 10 0 F002300600021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 F002300699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 F002399999999