ENTRY D6352 20210929 D132D635200000001 SUBENT D6352001 20210929 D132D635200100001 BIB 15 49 D635200100002 TITLE Measurements of 60Ni(p,n)60Cu reaction cross-sections D635200100003 and covariance analysis of the uncertainty D635200100004 AUTHOR (B.Lawriniang, R.Ghosh, S.Badwar, S.S.Yerraguntla, D635200100005 B.Jyrwa, H.Naik, Y.P.Naik, S.V.Suryanarayana) D635200100006 INSTITUTE (3INDNEH,3INDMNP,3INDTRM) D635200100007 REFERENCE (J,JRN,319,695,2019) D635200100008 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTRM) 14UD BARC-TIFR Pelletron facility D635200100009 SAMPLE Nickel foils (purity ~99.99%) of thickness 101 um and D635200100010 dimensions 0.7 X 0.7 cm2. D635200100011 Copper foils (purity 99.99%) of thickness 99 um were D635200100012 sandwiched between the nickel foils. D635200100013 Each foil was wrapped with Al foil of 25 um thick to D635200100014 avoid contamination. D635200100015 DETECTOR (HPGE) A high resolution HPGe detector connected to a D635200100016 PC based 4K channel analyser. D635200100017 The energy and efficiency calibration of detector was D635200100018 done using the 152Eu source. D635200100019 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA) The stack of foils was irradiated with a D635200100020 proton beam of 20 MeV in the main line at 6 m above D635200100021 the analyzing magnet of the Pelletron facility. D635200100022 The irradiation lasted for 10 min and the cooling time D635200100023 was 1.05-1.58 hours. D635200100024 The beam current is 100 nA. D635200100025 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D635200100026 DECAY-MON (30-ZN-62,9.186HR,DG,596.6,0.260) D635200100027 MONIT-REF (,F.Tarkanyi+,R,IAEA-TECDOC-1211,2001) D635200100028 COVARIANCE (XY,4,EN,MEV) D635200100029 7.25,11.97,15.70,18.88 D635200100030 (Z,10,COR,NO-DIM) D635200100031 1 D635200100032 0.957 1 D635200100033 0.952 0.961 1 D635200100034 0.952 0.954 0.948 1 D635200100035 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty D635200100036 (ERR-1,,,F) Counts, Cu D635200100037 (ERR-2,,,U) Counts, Ni D635200100038 (ERR-3,,,F) Gamma-ray intensity, Cu D635200100039 (ERR-4,,,F) Gamma-ray intensity, Ni D635200100040 (ERR-5,,,F) Isotopic abundance, Cu D635200100041 (ERR-6,,,F) Isotopic abundance, Ni D635200100042 (ERR-7,,,F) Average mass, Cu D635200100043 (ERR-8,,,F) Average mass, Ni D635200100044 (ERR-9,,,F) Efficiency of detector for gamma-ray, Cu D635200100045 (ERR-10,,,F) Efficiency of detector for gamma-ray, Ni D635200100046 (ERR-11,,,F) Time factor, Cu D635200100047 (ERR-12,,,U) Time factor, Ni D635200100048 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 of J. Rad. Nucl. Chem. 319 (2019) 695 D635200100049 HISTORY (20191111C) G. Mohanto D635200100050 (20210924A) VS. EN-NRM = 17.34 MeV added in COMMON. D635200100051 ENDBIB 49 0 D635200100052 COMMON 2 3 D635200100053 EN-NRM MONIT D635200100054 MEV MB D635200100055 17.34 33.61 D635200100056 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D635200100057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 D635200199999 SUBENT D6352002 20191111 D124D635200200001 BIB 2 2 D635200200002 REACTION (28-NI-60(P,N)29-CU-60,,SIG) D635200200003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-60,23.7MIN,DG,1332.5,0.88) D635200200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D635200200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D635200200006 DATA 16 4 D635200200007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 D635200200008 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 D635200200009 ERR-9 ERR-10 ERR-11 ERR-12 D635200200010 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB D635200200011 MB MB MB MB MB MB D635200200012 MB MB MB MB D635200200013 7.25 1.39 19.0 2.4 7.807E-01 4.36E-01D635200200014 1.465E+00 2.164E-01 4.131E-02 5.807E-03 8.990E-04 6.489E-05D635200200015 6.663E-01 1.005E+00 2.35E-02 3.293E-01 D635200200016 11.97 1.03 284.2 35.6 1.165E+01 2.728E+00D635200200017 2.186E+01 3.229E+00 6.164E-01 8.666E-02 1.341E-02 9.683E-04D635200200018 9.943E+00 1.500E+01 3.507E-01 5.925E+00 D635200200019 15.70 0.85 150.2 18.9 6.610E+00 1.838E+00D635200200020 1.156E+01 1.707E+00 3.259E-01 4.582E-02 7.093E-03 5.120E-04D635200200021 5.257E+00 7.932E+00 1.854E-01 3.560E+00 D635200200022 18.88 0.76 47.7 6.0 1.955E+00 7.046E-01D635200200023 3.669E+00 5.420E-01 1.035E-01 1.454E-02 2.2528E-03 1.625E-04D635200200024 1.669E+00 2.518E+00 5.886E-02 1.289E+00 D635200200025 ENDDATA 18 0 D635200200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 D635200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D635299999999