ENTRY D6130 20120703 D084D613000000001 SUBENT D6130001 20120703 D084D613000100001 BIB 10 20 D613000100002 TITLE Sub-barrier fission fragment angular distributions for D613000100003 the system 19F+232Th D613000100004 AUTHOR (S.Kailas, A.Navin, A.Chatterjee, P.Singh, A.Saxena, D613000100005 D.M.Nadkarni, D.C.Biswas, R.K.Choudhury, S.S.Kapoor) D613000100006 INSTITUTE (3INDTRM) Nuclear Physics Division D613000100007 REFERENCE (J,PRM,41,(4),339,1993) D613000100008 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTRM)14 UD Pelletron accelerator D613000100009 DETECTOR (SI) Two thin silicon detectors of 20 um thickness to D613000100010 detect fission fragments. D613000100011 SAMPLE Natural thorium target of thickness 200 ug/cm2 D613000100012 deposited on a 10 um thick aluminium backing. D613000100013 CORRECTION The effective bombarding energies have been obtained D613000100014 after correcting for Th target thickness and small D613000100015 carbon build up present in the target. D613000100016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of less than 5% in fission D613000100017 yield extraction due to alpha particle contamination. D613000100018 The overall uncertainty on the measured anisotropy D613000100019 varied from 8 to 10%. D613000100020 HISTORY (20120619C) Ranjita Mandal D613000100021 (20120703U) BL+On. Finalized D613000100022 ENDBIB 20 0 D613000100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 D613000100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 D613000199999 SUBENT D6130002 20120703 D084D613000200001 BIB 3 8 D613000200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(9-F-19,F),,SIG) D613000200003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Fission cross-sections were obtained by D613000200004 normalizing the fission yield to the monitor yield, D613000200005 assuming the latter to arise from Rutherford D613000200006 scattering. D613000200007 The angular distributions were integrated to obtain D613000200008 the total fission cross-section. D613000200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Pramana 41(1993)339 D613000200010 ENDBIB 8 0 D613000200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 D613000200012 DATA 3 3 D613000200013 EN DATA-CM DATA-ERR D613000200014 MEV MB MB D613000200015 89.3 4.5 0.5 D613000200016 91.5 13.4 1.4 D613000200017 93.6 28.0 3.0 D613000200018 ENDDATA 5 0 D613000200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 D613000299999 SUBENT D6130003 20120703 D084D613000300001 BIB 3 6 D613000300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(9-F-19,F),,DA,,RSD) for Anisotropy D613000300003 ANALYSIS The angular distributions were fitted by D613000300004 W(theta) = a + b cos**2(theta)+c cos**4(theta) D613000300005 adjustable parameters to get the anisotropy values. D613000300006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Pramana 41(1993)339 D613000300007 (DEP,D6130004) W(theta)/W(90) D613000300008 ENDBIB 6 0 D613000300009 COMMON 1 3 D613000300010 ANG-CM D613000300011 ADEG D613000300012 180. D613000300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D613000300014 DATA 3 3 D613000300015 EN DATA-CM DATA-ERR D613000300016 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM D613000300017 89.3 1.75 0.20 D613000300018 91.5 1.85 0.20 D613000300019 93.6 1.95 0.15 D613000300020 ENDDATA 5 0 D613000300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 D613000399999 SUBENT D6130004 20120703 D084D613000400001 BIB 2 2 D613000400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(9-F-19,F),,DA,,RSD) D613000400003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 of Pramana 41(1993)339 D613000400004 ENDBIB 2 0 D613000400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D613000400006 DATA 4 22 D613000400007 EN-CM ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D613000400008 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D613000400009 82.5 90.36 1.02 0.08 D613000400010 82.5 100.32 0.95 0.10 D613000400011 82.5 128.86 1.09 0.10 D613000400012 82.5 146.47 1.19 0.10 D613000400013 82.5 163.17 1.59 0.12 D613000400014 82.5 172.15 1.73 0.13 D613000400015 84.6 90.95 0.93 0.09 D613000400016 84.6 100.80 1.05 0.08 D613000400017 84.6 105.62 0.99 0.07 D613000400018 84.6 129.18 1.05 0.07 D613000400019 84.6 138.19 1.19 0.09 D613000400020 84.6 147.39 1.30 0.10 D613000400021 84.6 155.16 1.48 0.11 D613000400022 84.6 163.56 1.65 0.10 D613000400023 84.6 171.39 1.89 0.13 D613000400024 86.5 101.14 0.97 0.06 D613000400025 86.5 120.07 1.10 0.07 D613000400026 86.5 130.00 1.06 0.07 D613000400027 86.5 137.76 1.24 0.08 D613000400028 86.5 154.88 1.49 0.10 D613000400029 86.5 159.65 1.65 0.11 D613000400030 86.5 171.32 1.96 0.12 D613000400031 ENDDATA 24 0 D613000400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 D613000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 D613099999999