ENTRY D4053 20150806 D101D405300000001 SUBENT D4053001 20150806 D101D405300100001 BIB 6 11 D405300100002 TITLE Elastic scattering angular distributions and total D405300100003 reaction cross sections for the interaction of D405300100004 12.8 MeV deuterons with Ni-58 and Ni-60 nuclei D405300100005 AUTHOR (A.Budzanowski, K.Grotowski) D405300100006 INSTITUTE (3POLIFJ) D405300100007 REFERENCE (J,PL,2,280,1962) D405300100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,3POLIFJ) D405300100009 HISTORY (19961113C) D405300100010 (19961129U) D405300100011 (20060730A) BIB section updrated D405300100012 (20150806D) On. Deleted. Duplication of EXFOR D0576. D405300100013 ENDBIB 11 0 D405300100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 D405300100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 D405300199999 NOSUBENT D4053002 20150806 D101D405300200001 NOSUBENT D4053003 20150806 D101D405300300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 D405399999999