ENTRY D0466 20080815 D064D046600000001 SUBENT D0466001 20080815 D064D046600100001 BIB 12 19 D046600100002 TITLE 28Si + alpha as an Example of Novel Methods for D046600100003 Elastic Scattering Experiments D046600100004 AUTHOR (Markus Norrby) D046600100005 INSTITUTE (2SF ABA) D046600100006 REFERENCE (J,JP/CS,111,012036,2008) D046600100007 FACILITY (VDGT,2SF ABA) D046600100008 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Seven detectors were used. An eight h detector D046600100009 was used to monitor the total charge, since the D046600100010 thickness of the target prevented from monitoring the D046600100011 current in a Faraday cup. D046600100012 METHOD (BCINT) D046600100013 Thick target backscattering technique. D046600100014 ANALYSIS (INTED) D046600100015 SAMPLE Natural Si plate with a thickness of 300 mu-m. D046600100016 COMMENT At the moment data gathered with this method is being D046600100017 analyzed for the reactions 28Si + alpha, 30Si + alpha, D046600100018 36Ar + alpha and 40Ar + alpha. D046600100019 STATUS (UNOBT) D046600100020 HISTORY (20080815C) D046600100021 ENDBIB 19 0 D046600100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 D046600100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D046600199999 SUBENT D0466002 20080815 D064D046600200001 BIB 2 2 D046600200002 REACTION (16-S-28(A,EL)16-S-28,,DA) D046600200003 STATUS (CURVE) from fig.2 D046600200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D046600200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D046600200006 NODATA 0 0 D046600200007 ENDSUBENT 6 0 D046600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D046699999999