ENTRY D0093 20190819 D121D009300000001 SUBENT D0093001 20190819 D121D009300100001 BIB 9 14 D009300100002 TITLE Production of Curie Quantities of high purity I-123 D009300100003 with 15 MeV protons D009300100004 AUTHOR (R.C.Barrall,J.E.Beaver,H.B.Hupf,F.F.Rubio) D009300100005 INSTITUTE (3SARRIY) D009300100006 REFERENCE (J,ENM,6,411,1981) D009300100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,3SARRIY) 2 KW beam power. King Faisal D009300100008 Specialist Hospital CS-30 D009300100009 DETECTOR (NAICR) D009300100010 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 1, 5 from Eur.J.Nucl.Med.,6(1981)411 D009300100011 ERR-ANALYS Nothing said about errors D009300100012 HISTORY (20040126C) SD D009300100013 (20100303A) SD: Evaluator remark was added to Sub.002 D009300100014 (20190819A) SD: Subent 003 deleted (No details are D009300100015 given in the article on the TTY calculation). D009300100016 ENDBIB 14 0 D009300100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D009300100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 D009300199999 SUBENT D0093002 20100326 D072D009300200001 BIB 4 8 D009300200002 REACTION (52-TE-123(P,N)53-I-123,,SIG) D009300200003 SAMPLE A 100 mg quantity of enriched 123Te (96.%) metal D009300200004 powder was pressed into the 1.3 cm diam. cavity of an D009300200005 aluminium target cap and covered by a 0.075 mm Al foil D009300200006 and by a 0.940 mm copper foil to degrade the proton en.D009300200007 CRITIQUE Evaluator's remark: Suspicious data. Value for cross D009300200008 section and error more than 3 times lower. D009300200009 HISTORY (20100303A) SD: Evaluator remark was added. D009300200010 ENDBIB 8 0 D009300200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 D009300200012 DATA 2 1 D009300200013 EN DATA D009300200014 MEV MB D009300200015 11.5 210. D009300200016 ENDDATA 3 0 D009300200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 D009300299999 NOSUBENT D0093003 20190819 D121D009300300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 D009399999999