ENTRY C2521 20200414 C194C252100000001 SUBENT C2521001 20200414 C194C252100100001 BIB 11 23 C252100100002 TITLE Sub-barrier Fusion of 6He with 209Bi C252100100003 AUTHOR (J.J.Kolata,V.Guimaraes,D.Peterson,P.Santi, C252100100004 R.White-Stevens,P.A.DeYoung,G.F.Peaslee,B.Hughey, C252100100005 B.Atalla,M.Kern,P.L.Jolivette,J.A.Zimmerman,M.Y.Lee, C252100100006 F.D.Becchetti,E.F.Aguilera,E.Martinez-Quiroz, C252100100007 J.D.Hinnefeld) C252100100008 REFERENCE (J,PRL,81,4580,1998) C252100100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.4580 C252100100010 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,1USAHPE,1USAMHG,1USAISB,3MEXINI) C252100100011 FACILITY (VDGT,1USANOT) Twinsol radioactive nuclear beam (RNB) C252100100012 facility at the University of Notre Dame. C252100100013 INC-SPECT The 6He production rate was determined to be 900 C252100100014 particles per second per pnA, and the maximum C252100100015 secondary beam intensity was 1.8 x 10**5 s-1. C252100100016 SAMPLE Absorbers of 8, 16, or 24 mm Havar foil were placed C252100100017 in front of the 1 mg/cm2 Bi target, which was 2.5 cm C252100100018 in diameter, in order to provide finer energy steps, C252100100019 and repeat points with different absorber and primary C252100100020 beam energies were taken to ensure consistency. C252100100021 DETECTOR (TELES,SI) a Si dE-E telescope. C252100100022 METHOD (EDE,EDEG) C252100100023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. C252100100024 HISTORY (20200414C) BP C252100100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C252100100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 C252100100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C252100199999 SUBENT C2521002 20200414 C194C252100200001 BIB 4 6 C252100200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(2-HE-6,FUS),,SIG,,,DERIV) C252100200003 ANALYSIS The total fusion cross section, obtained by adding C252100200004 the 3n and 4n yields. C252100200005 REL-REF (R,C0508002,P.A.DeYoung+,J,PR/C,58,3442,1998) C252100200006 4n cross section C252100200007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 4582. C252100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C252100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C252100200010 DATA 3 9 C252100200011 EN-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C252100200012 MEV MB MB C252100200013 18.651 7.770E+01 1.296E+01 C252100200014 20.197 1.874E+02 2.615E+01 C252100200015 21.681 3.418E+02 3.148E+01 C252100200016 23.085 4.470E+02 2.336E+01 C252100200017 24.427 5.482E+02 5.579E+01 C252100200018 25.729 6.868E+02 6.990E+01 C252100200019 26.827 7.404E+02 7.536E+01 C252100200020 28.007 9.276E+02 1.033E+02 C252100200021 29.024 1.090E+03 8.967E+01 C252100200022 ENDDATA 11 0 C252100200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C252100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C252199999999