ENTRY C2420 20201121 C200C242000000001 SUBENT C2420001 20201121 C200C242000100001 BIB 10 45 C242000100002 TITLE A direct measurement of the 17O(alpha,g)21Ne reaction C242000100003 in inverse kinematics and its impact on heavy element C242000100004 production C242000100005 AUTHOR (M.P.Taggart,C.Akers,A.M.Laird,U.Hager,C.Ruiz, C242000100006 D.A.Hutcheon,M.A.Bentley,J.R.Brown,L.Buchmann, C242000100007 A.A.Chen,J.Chen,K.A.Chipps,A.Choplin,J.M.D'Auria, C242000100008 B.Davids,C.Davis,C.Aa.Diget,L.Erikson,J.Fallis, C242000100009 S.P.Fox,U.Frischknecht,B.R.Fulton,N.Galinski,U.Greife, C242000100010 R.Hirschi,D.Howell,L.Martin,D.Mountford,A.St.J.Murphy, C242000100011 D.Ottewell,M.Pignatari,S.Reeve,G.Ruprecht,S.Sjue, C242000100012 L.Veloce,M.Williams) C242000100013 INSTITUTE (2UK YRK,1CANTMF,1CANMCM,2SWTGVE,1CANSFU,1USACSM, C242000100014 2SWTBAS,2UK KEU,2JPNTOK,2UK EDG) C242000100015 (1CANCAN) Univ.of Victoria, Victoria C242000100016 (2UK UK) UK Network for Bridging the Disciplines of C242000100017 Galactic Chemical Evolution C242000100018 (3HUNHUN) Konkoly Observatory, Research Centre for C242000100019 Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of C242000100020 Sciences, Budapest C242000100021 NuGrid Collaboration C242000100022 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,798,134894,2019) C242000100023 FACILITY (LINAC,1CANTMF) Experiment performed at the DRAGON C242000100024 recoil separator in the ISAC facility, at the TRIUMF C242000100025 Laboratory C242000100026 INC-SOURCE A 17-O(3+) beam produced by ISAC facility with a C242000100027 typical intensity of 1.25E+12 pps. C242000100028 DETECTOR (MAGSP) DRAGON recoil separator was configured to C242000100029 transmit 4+21Ne recoils C242000100030 (MCPLT) Two micro-channel plate detectors upstream C242000100031 of the ionization chamber measured the local time C242000100032 of flight of the recoils over a distance of 60 cm C242000100033 (IOCH) Recoils were detected in DRAGON focal plane C242000100034 using a ionization chamber with four segments, which C242000100035 provided energy loss and residual energy (dE-E) C242000100036 information. Chamber was filled with isobutane at C242000100037 a typical pressure of 8 Torr. C242000100038 (BGO) Gas target was surrounded by an array of C242000100039 30 BGO gamma ray detectors. C242000100040 SAMPLE Windowless He gas target. C242000100041 METHOD (TOF,COINC) Recoils were identified by energy loss C242000100042 and time of flight method. It was possible to C242000100043 distinguish beam particles from reaction C242000100044 products. Coincidence between BGO array and ionization C242000100045 chamber reduced the background. C242000100046 HISTORY (20201015C) Compiled by S.H. C242000100047 ENDBIB 45 0 C242000100048 NOCOMMON 0 0 C242000100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 C242000199999 SUBENT C2420002 20201121 C200C242000200001 BIB 3 13 C242000200002 REACTION (8-O-17(A,G)10-NE-21,,SIG,,SFC) C242000200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in BGO detection efficiency C242000200004 (ERR-2,20.,30.) Uncertainty in separator transmission C242000200005 (ERR-3,4.,5.) Uncertainty in detector efficiency and C242000200006 transmission C242000200007 (ERR-4,0.6,6.) Uncertainty in integrated beam intensityC242000200008 (ERR-5) Uncertainty in stopping power C242000200009 (ERR-6,1.6,4.1) Uncertainty in recoil charge state C242000200010 fraction C242000200011 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty include systematic and C242000200012 statistical uncertainties C242000200013 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.3 of the reference C242000200014 sent by author (C.A.) C242000200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C242000200016 COMMON 2 3 C242000200017 ERR-1 ERR-5 C242000200018 PER-CENT PER-CENT C242000200019 10. 3.7 C242000200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C242000200021 DATA 6 21 C242000200022 EN-CM EN-RSL DATA ERR-T +ERR-T -ERR-T C242000200023 MEV MEV B*MEV B*MEV B*MEV B*MEV C242000200024 0.621 0.027 4.67E+05 2.34E+05 3.69E+05C242000200025 0.695 0.027 6.14E+04 4.11E+04 8.06E+04C242000200026 0.748 0.013 2.88E+04 1.54E+04 2.78E+04C242000200027 0.785 0.028 1.92E+05 6.41E+04 C242000200028 0.787 0.028 6.66E+06 2.07E+06 C242000200029 0.801 0.014 1.15E+07 2.96E+06 C242000200030 0.811 0.028 1.55E+07 2.95E+06 C242000200031 0.814 0.014 7.68E+06 1.44E+06 C242000200032 0.818 0.015 8.46E+06 1.41E+06 C242000200033 0.822 0.022 1.11E+07 1.55E+06 C242000200034 0.823 0.018 1.08E+07 1.82E+06 C242000200035 0.825 0.014 2.35E+06 5.15E+05 C242000200036 0.829 0.015 5.09E+04 1.67E+04 2.25E+04C242000200037 0.831 0.011 2.27E+04 9.07E+03 1.22E+04C242000200038 0.836 0.012 2.07E+04 9.63E+03 1.30E+04C242000200039 0.931 0.014 2.09E+04 7.28E+03 C242000200040 1.116 0.014 4.17E+04 9.20E+03 C242000200041 1.159 0.016 1.93E+05 3.33E+04 C242000200042 1.17 0.015 1.36E+05 2.37E+04 C242000200043 1.487 0.015 5.93E+03 1.16E+03 C242000200044 1.509 0.014 4.05E+03 1.21E+03 C242000200045 ENDDATA 23 0 C242000200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 C242000299999 SUBENT C2420003 20201121 C200C242000300001 BIB 3 3 C242000300002 REACTION (8-O-17(A,G),,WID/STR) C242000300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Source of uncertainties not described C242000300004 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.1 of the reference C242000300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C242000300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C242000300007 DATA 5 4 C242000300008 EN-RES-CM DATA DATA-ERR +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C242000300009 KEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV C242000300010 633. 4.0E-3 3.1E-3 2.0E-3 C242000300011 721. 8.7E-3 7.0E-3 3.7E-3 C242000300012 810. 5.4 0.8 C242000300013 1122. 1.9 0.4 C242000300014 ENDDATA 6 0 C242000300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 C242000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C242099999999