ENTRY C2405 20190814 C187C240500000001 SUBENT C2405001 20190814 C187C240500100001 BIB 9 19 C240500100002 TITLE The 3+ state in O18 C240500100003 AUTHOR (P.Hewka,R.Middleton,J.Wiza) C240500100004 REFERENCE (J,PL,10,93,1964) C240500100005 #doi:10.1016/0031-9163(64)90592-X C240500100006 INSTITUTE (1USAPEN) C240500100007 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAPEN) The University of Pennsylvania Tandem C240500100008 accelerator. C240500100009 DETECTOR (MAGSP) C240500100010 SAMPLE (8-O-17,ENR=0.40) The target was prepared from 017 C240500100011 gas of about 50% enrichment which was converted to C240500100012 tungsten oxide, the latter being evaporated directly C240500100013 onto a thin carbon film. C240500100014 METHOD A 40% enriched target of 017 was bombarded with 10 MeV C240500100015 deuterons from the University of Pennsylvania Tandem C240500100016 accelerator and the emitted protons were analyzed C240500100017 with a 65 cm radius broad-range magnetic C240500100018 spectrograph. Energy spectra were measured at 8 C240500100019 angles in the range 7 to 70 degrees. C240500100020 HISTORY (20190814C) BP C240500100021 ENDBIB 19 0 C240500100022 COMMON 1 3 C240500100023 EN C240500100024 MEV C240500100025 10.0 C240500100026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C240500100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C240500199999 SUBENT C2405002 20190814 C187C240500200001 BIB 2 2 C240500200002 REACTION (8-O-17(D,P)8-O-18,PAR,DA,,REL) C240500200003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 94. C240500200004 ENDBIB 2 0 C240500200005 COMMON 1 3 C240500200006 E-LVL C240500200007 MEV C240500200008 5.25 C240500200009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C240500200010 DATA 2 8 C240500200011 ANG-CM DATA-CM C240500200012 ADEG ARB-UNITS C240500200013 7.387 8.412 C240500200014 14.797 4.007 C240500200015 22.916 0.697 C240500200016 32.938 0.650 C240500200017 42.752 0.817 C240500200018 53.633 0.511 C240500200019 63.859 0.184 C240500200020 73.884 0.201 C240500200021 ENDDATA 10 0 C240500200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C240500299999 SUBENT C2405003 20190814 C187C240500300001 BIB 2 2 C240500300002 REACTION (8-O-17(D,P)8-O-18,PAR,DA,,REL) C240500300003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 94. C240500300004 ENDBIB 2 0 C240500300005 COMMON 1 3 C240500300006 E-LVL C240500300007 MEV C240500300008 5.37 C240500300009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C240500300010 DATA 2 8 C240500300011 ANG-CM DATA-CM C240500300012 ADEG ARB-UNITS C240500300013 7.571 36.765 C240500300014 14.205 15.252 C240500300015 23.276 3.091 C240500300016 31.969 2.543 C240500300017 42.406 2.960 C240500300018 52.833 1.442 C240500300019 63.917 0.784 C240500300020 74.136 1.094 C240500300021 ENDDATA 10 0 C240500300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C240500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C240599999999