ENTRY C1062 20200508 C193C106200000001 SUBENT C1062001 20200508 C193C106200100001 BIB 12 31 C106200100002 TITLE Absolute Neutron Yields from Thick Target natC(alpha,n)C106200100003 AUTHOR (R.L.Macklin,J.H.Gibbons) C106200100004 REFERENCE (J,NSE,31,343(1),1968) C106200100005 REL-REF (D,C1063001,J.K.Bair,J,NSE,51,83,1973) C106200100006 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) C106200100007 FACILITY (VDG,1USAORL) ORNL 5.5-MV Van de Graaff. C106200100008 PART-DET (N) C106200100009 SAMPLE Reactor grade graphite was used as a target. C106200100010 DETECTOR (D4PI) 4 pi graphite sphere neutron detector. The C106200100011 detector was calibrated for efficiency by comparison C106200100012 with a local Pu-Be standard source. C106200100013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,4.0) The overall accuracy of the C106200100014 measurement is estimated to be the greater of +-4% or C106200100015 +-10**-8 neutrons per alpha particle. This estimate C106200100016 is based on a proportional error of 4%, due to C106200100017 uncertainties in current integration and detector C106200100018 efficiency, and a baseline uncertainty of 10**-8 C106200100019 neutrons per alpha particle. C106200100020 CRITIQUE J.K.Bair in J,NSE,51,83,1973 points out that if one C106200100021 reduces the present measurements of R.L.Macklin and C106200100022 J.H. Gibbons by a factor of 10, their values above ~5 C106200100023 MeV are only slightly below the present results and C106200100024 are within the sum of the stated errors. However, in C106200100025 going from 5 to 4.5 MeV, the earlier values decrease C106200100026 to ~50% of the present data and remain at about this C106200100027 level to the lowest alpha-particle energies. J.K.Bair, C106200100028 J,NSE,51,83,1973 conclude that the earlier C106200100029 thick-target yields are in error and should be C106200100030 replaced by his latest data. C106200100031 HISTORY (20160405C) BP C106200100032 (20200507U) OS. Minor BIB correction C106200100033 ENDBIB 31 0 C106200100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 C106200100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 C106200199999 SUBENT C1062002 20160405 C160C106200200001 BIB 2 2 C106200200002 REACTION (6-C-0(A,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT) C106200200003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 343. C106200200004 ENDBIB 2 0 C106200200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 C106200200006 DATA 2 18 C106200200007 EN DATA C106200200008 MEV PRD/INC C106200200009 2.00 6.500E-09 C106200200010 2.50 7.290E-08 C106200200011 3.00 1.107E-07 C106200200012 3.50 2.003E-07 C106200200013 4.00 2.024E-07 C106200200014 4.50 2.295E-07 C106200200015 5.00 5.405E-07 C106200200016 5.50 1.033E-06 C106200200017 6.00 1.571E-06 C106200200018 6.50 2.360E-06 C106200200019 7.00 3.202E-06 C106200200020 7.50 4.294E-06 C106200200021 8.00 5.601E-06 C106200200022 8.50 7.050E-06 C106200200023 9.00 8.304E-06 C106200200024 9.50 9.717E-06 C106200200025 10.00 1.122E-05 C106200200026 10.50 1.274E-05 C106200200027 ENDDATA 20 0 C106200200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C106200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C106299999999