ENTRY C0723 20001023 0000C072300000001 SUBENT C0723001 20001023 0000C072300100001 BIB 9 12 C072300100002 INSTITUTE (1USAMHD,1USACLU,1USAMSU,1USAMRY,1USAOBR) C072300100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,62,014607,200007) C072300100004 AUTHOR (K.A.G.RAO,A.NADASEN,D.SISAN,W.YUHASZ,D.MERCER, C072300100005 S.M.AUSTIN,P.G.ROOS,R.E.WARNER) C072300100006 TITLE 4He+4He elastic scattering at 280 and 620 MeV C072300100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAMSU) C072300100008 INC-SPECT Incident energy resolution estimated <1%. C072300100009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. C072300100010 STATUS (APRVD) approved by A. Nadasen, 23 October 2000. C072300100011 Data received by email from A. Nadasen, 17 August 2000.C072300100012 HISTORY (20000817C) VM C072300100013 (20001023A) Author approval received. C072300100014 ENDBIB 12 0 C072300100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C072300100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C072300199999 SUBENT C0723002 20000817 0000C072300200001 BIB 4 8 C072300200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(A,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) C072300200003 SAMPLE High purity 4He gas filling the entire scattering C072300200004 chamber. C072300200005 DETECTOR (TELES) 3 detector telescopes consisting of 2 position-C072300200006 sensitive silicon strip detectors. C072300200007 MONITOR Silicon detectors calibrated using 228Th alpha source. C072300200008 NaI(Tl) detectors calibrated using forward angle C072300200009 alpha-alpha scattering. C072300200010 ENDBIB 8 0 C072300200011 COMMON 1 3 C072300200012 EN C072300200013 MEV C072300200014 280. C072300200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C072300200016 DATA 3 23 C072300200017 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S C072300200018 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C072300200019 13.24 6.343E+2 6.343E+0 C072300200020 17.31 1.781E+2 1.781E+0 C072300200021 21.39 8.127E+1 8.127E-1 C072300200022 25.45 4.607E+1 4.607E-1 C072300200023 29.52 2.067E+1 2.067E-1 C072300200024 33.59 7.066E+0 7.066E-2 C072300200025 37.65 2.544E+0 2.664E-2 C072300200026 41.70 1.293E+0 1.841E-2 C072300200027 45.76 6.328E-1 1.186E-2 C072300200028 49.81 3.164E-1 8.403E-3 C072300200029 53.86 1.206E-1 4.953E-3 C072300200030 57.90 6.295E-2 3.711E-3 C072300200031 60.92 3.453E-2 3.403E-3 C072300200032 65.97 1.305E-2 1.317E-3 C072300200033 70.00 7.614E-3 9.844E-4 C072300200034 74.03 9.923E-3 1.309E-3 C072300200035 78.05 6.759E-3 8.038E-4 C072300200036 82.06 9.392E-3 1.056E-3 C072300200037 86.07 1.424E-2 1.665E-3 C072300200038 90.08 1.302E-2 1.693E-3 C072300200039 94.07 1.608E-2 2.434E-3 C072300200040 98.07 1.067E-2 1.447E-3 C072300200041 102.1 1.166E-2 1.719E-3 C072300200042 ENDDATA 25 0 C072300200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C072300299999 SUBENT C0723003 20000817 0000C072300300001 BIB 4 9 C072300300002 REACTION (2-HE-4(A,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) C072300300003 SAMPLE High purity 4He gas contained in a cell at the center C072300300004 of evacuated scattering chamber. C072300300005 DETECTOR (TELES) 3 detector telescopes consisting of a double C072300300006 slit system followed by a surface-barrier silicon C072300300007 detector, then a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. C072300300008 MONITOR Silicon detectors calibrated using 228Th alpha source. C072300300009 NaI(Tl) detectors calibrated using forward angle C072300300010 alpha-alpha scattering. C072300300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C072300300012 COMMON 1 3 C072300300013 EN C072300300014 MEV C072300300015 620. C072300300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C072300300017 DATA 3 10 C072300300018 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S C072300300019 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C072300300020 20.798 0.266600 0.008000 C072300300021 31.165 0.033650 0.001260 C072300300022 41.494 0.003630 0.000327 C072300300023 51.776 0.001470 0.000122 C072300300024 62.002 0.000970 0.000113 C072300300025 72.166 0.000670 0.000117 C072300300026 82.262 0.000450 0.000101 C072300300027 92.289 0.000584 0.000088 C072300300028 102.247 0.000520 0.000100 C072300300029 112.137 0.000598 0.000115 C072300300030 ENDDATA 12 0 C072300300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C072300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C072399999999