ENTRY C0021 20100611 C102C002100000001 SUBENT C0021001 20100611 C102C002100100001 BIB 8 12 C002100100002 INSTITUTE (2GERMPH) C002100100003 REFERENCE (J,PL,4,198,1963) C002100100004 AUTHOR (W.Buss,H.Waffler,B.Ziegler) C002100100005 TITLE Radiative capture of deuterons by H3. C002100100006 SAMPLE 2H gas absorbed on Ti metal which had been evaporated C002100100007 onto a 0.2-mm Cu backing C002100100008 DETECTOR (NAICR) 5 inch X 5 inch spectrometer C002100100009 PART-DET (G) 17-MeV gamma energy C002100100010 HISTORY (19781117C) C002100100011 (20020213A) Converted to new date formats. C002100100012 (20030624A) Converted to lower case. BIB update. C002100100013 (20100611A) Subentries 002, 004 removed. C002100100014 ENDBIB 12 0 C002100100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C002100100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C002100199999 NOSUBENT C0021002 20100611 C102C002100200001 SUBENT C0021003 20100611 C102C002100300001 BIB 6 13 C002100300002 REACTION (1-H-3(D,G)2-HE-5,,SIG,,,DERIV) C002100300003 MONITOR (1-H-3(P,G)2-HE-4,,SIG) Normalized to at 1 MeV C002100300004 MONIT-REF (,J.E.Perry+,J,PR,99,1368,1955) C002100300005 ANALYSIS Resonance shape was taken from 3H(d,n)4He by Porter et C002100300006 al.,J,PR,111,1579,1958. C002100300007 Direct contribution is assumed as linear, and its slopeC002100300008 was chosen to reproduce total thick target yield of C002100300009 17 MeV gamma(3/2+ -> g.s.) shown in Fig.1. C002100300010 STATUS (CURVE) Relative yield from thick target read from C002100300011 Fig.2 of reference and normalized to value given in C002100300012 text for 150 keV. C002100300013 HISTORY (19840319A) BIB, COMMON corrected. C002100300014 (20100611A) BIB update, added DERIV and ANALYSIS. C002100300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C002100300016 COMMON 2 3 C002100300017 EN-NRM MONIT C002100300018 MEV MICRO-B C002100300019 1. 30.5 C002100300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C002100300021 DATA 2 5 C002100300022 EN DATA-APRX C002100300023 KEV MICRO-B C002100300024 150. 50. C002100300025 300. 25. C002100300026 710. 30. C002100300027 1000. 37.5 C002100300028 1300. 45. C002100300029 ENDDATA 7 0 C002100300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C002100399999 NOSUBENT C0021004 20100611 C102C002100400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 C002199999999