ENTRY 41676 20190812 41834167600000001 SUBENT 41676001 20190812 41834167600100001 BIB 10 19 4167600100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSMOS) 4167600100003 REFERENCE (J,JET,6,1016,1958) Engl.translation of: 4167600100004 (J,ZET,33,1321,1957) 4167600100005 AUTHOR (S.S.Vasil'ev,V.V.Komarov,A.M.Popova) 4167600100006 TITLE Dissociation of C12 into three alpha particles induced 4167600100007 by fast neutrons 4167600100008 FACILITY (CYCLO) 4167600100009 INC-SOURCE (D-LI) 4 MeV deuterons bombarded a thick Li target. 4167600100010 System of collimators. 4167600100011 SAMPLE Pure carbon powder, grain size < 1 MU. 4167600100012 DETECTOR (TRD) Nuclear emulsion plates. 4167600100013 > 500 three-prong stars were counted. 4167600100014 Neutron current was obtained from recoil protons in the4167600100015 same plate 4167600100016 ADD-RES Fraction (%) of total number of disintegrations 4167600100017 through various levels of intermediate nuclei 4167600100018 (calculated) are given in Table of 4167600100019 J.of Exp. and Theor. Physics,v.6,p.1016,1958 4167600100020 HISTORY (20190812C) 4167600100021 ENDBIB 19 0 4167600100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 4167600100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4167600199999 SUBENT 41676002 20190812 41834167600200001 BIB 4 10 4167600200002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,SIG) 4167600200003 REL-REF (A,11315002,G.M.Frye Jr+,J,PR,99,1375,1955) 4167600200004 (A,,L.L.Green+,J,PPS/A,62,296,1949) 4167600200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 4167600200006 article. 4167600200007 . Quantization errors: 4167600200008 scale X - 0.008 MeV, 4167600200009 scale Y - 0.41 mb . 4167600200010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 of 4167600200011 J.of Exp. and Theor. Physics,v.6,p.1016,1958 4167600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 4167600200013 COMMON 2 3 4167600200014 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4167600200015 MEV MB 4167600200016 0.017 0.66 4167600200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4167600200018 DATA 3 11 4167600200019 EN-MEAN DATA DATA-ERR 4167600200020 MEV MB MB 4167600200021 9.0 11.62 7.36 4167600200022 10.0 38.72 18.00 4167600200023 11.0 66.63 27.00 4167600200024 12.0 85.56 38.45 4167600200025 13.0 183.01 85.07 4167600200026 14.0 174.93 81.79 4167600200027 15.0 201.21 83.43 4167600200028 16.0 323.20 117.78 4167600200029 17.0 403.47 134.14 4167600200030 18.0 351.23 116.15 4167600200031 19.0 276.90 107.15 4167600200032 ENDDATA 13 0 4167600200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4167600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4167699999999