ENTRY 40769 20140917 41654076900000001 SUBENT 40769001 20140917 41654076900100001 BIB 9 16 4076900100002 INSTITUTE (4LATIFL) 4076900100003 REFERENCE (J,YF,1,250,1965) 4076900100004 (J,SNP,1,175,1965) 4076900100005 AUTHOR (M.K.Balodis,V.A.Bondarenko,P.T.Prokof'ev,L.I.Simonova)4076900100006 TITLE Spectrum of internal-conversion electrons produced upon4076900100007 capture of thermal neutrons by indium. 4076900100008 FACILITY (REAC,4LATIFL) 4076900100009 METHOD (ACTIV) 4076900100010 DETECTOR (PLATE) Emulsion 'P-50' 4076900100011 SAMPLE - In-115 enriched to 99.2 percents . 4076900100012 HISTORY (19840524T) Converted from ENTRY 80200 4076900100013 (19870409U) SF5 Inserted in REACTION code of SAN 003 4076900100014 (20140917A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4076900100015 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4076900100016 BIB information was updated. 4076900100017 Subent 003 was deleted -data are absent in the article.4076900100018 ENDBIB 16 0 4076900100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 4076900100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4076900199999 SUBENT 40769002 20140917 41654076900200001 BIB 4 8 4076900200002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,G)49-IN-116-M2/M1,,SIG/RAT) 4076900200003 ANALYSIS Comparison of the intensities of the lines of the 4076900200004 162.3 keV transition in In-116 and the lines of the 4076900200005 415. and 138.5 keV transitions in Sn-116 . 4076900200006 STATUS (TABLE) Text of Abstract and on page 176 of SNP,1,175. 4076900200007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-116-M2,2.SEC,DG,162.3) 4076900200008 (49-IN-116-M1,54.MIN,DG,415.,,DG,138.5) 4076900200009 After B- decay of In-116M2. 4076900200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4076900200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4076900200012 DATA 3 1 4076900200013 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4076900200014 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4076900200015 2.5300E-08 8.0000E-01 4.0000E-01 4076900200016 ENDDATA 3 0 4076900200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4076900299999 NOSUBENT 40769003 20140917 41654076900300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 4076999999999