ENTRY 33127 20191113 31933312700000001 SUBENT 33127001 20191113 31933312700100001 BIB 12 37 3312700100002 TITLE Cross sections for formation of 139mCe radioisotope 3312700100003 through the 140Ce(n,2n) reaction over 13.73 - 14.77 MeV3312700100004 neutrons 3312700100005 AUTHOR (V.D.Bharud, F.M.D.Attar, S.S.Dahiwale, S.D.Dhole, 3312700100006 V.N.Bhoraskar) 3312700100007 INSTITUTE (3INDPOO) 3312700100008 (3INDIND) Poona College, Pune 3312700100009 REFERENCE (J,ARI,146,10,2019) 3312700100010 FACILITY (CCW,3INDPOO) 14 MeV Neutron Generator 3312700100011 SAMPLE Sample was the mixture of natural CeCl3 (99.99%) powder3312700100012 and thin pieces of aluminum foil (99.99%), of total 3312700100013 weight of ~ 1.5 g, in a polythene bag. 3312700100014 By folding the polythene bag the cerium-aluminum sample3312700100015 of size ~10 mm X 10 mm X 3 mm was obtained. 3312700100016 DETECTOR (HPGE) To measure gamma-ray activities of the 3312700100017 irradiation samples. 3312700100018 The detection efficiency was measured with a Canberra 3312700100019 make Multi Standard MGS-3 gamma-ray source. 3312700100020 The resolution of detector was ~2.5 keV at 1332 keV 3312700100021 gamma-rays of 60Co source. 3312700100022 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation for 240 sec., then measured for 3312700100023 40 sec. 3312700100024 (MOMIX) CeCl3 powder and Al Foil (total weight of~ 3312700100025 1.5 g) 3312700100026 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuterium ion beam (~175 keV, -4 mm in diam., 3312700100027 and ~100 uA) on an 8 curie tritium target. 3312700100028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3312700100029 (ERR-1,,6.) Counting rate (<5-6%) 3312700100030 (ERR-2,,4.) Efficiency calibration (<4%) 3312700100031 (ERR-3,,0.3) Self-absorption (<0.3%) 3312700100032 (ERR-4,,6.) Neutron flux (<6%) 3312700100033 (ERR-5,,3.) Gamma-ray intensity (<3%) 3312700100034 (ERR-6,,1.) Irradiation time t1 (<1%) 3312700100035 (ERR-7,,1.) Cooling time t2 (<1%) 3312700100036 (ERR-8,,1.) Counting time t3 (<1%) 3312700100037 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 of Appl.Rad.Isotopes 146(2019)10 3312700100038 HISTORY (20191113C) Vishal D. Bharud 3312700100039 ENDBIB 37 0 3312700100040 NOCOMMON 0 0 3312700100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 3312700199999 SUBENT 33127002 20191113 31933312700200001 BIB 6 7 3312700200002 REACTION (58-CE-140(N,2N)58-CE-139-M,,SIG) 3312700200003 SAMPLE (58-CE-140,NAT=0.88450) 3312700200004 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-139-M,57.58SEC,DG,754.24,0.926) 3312700200005 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,P)12-MG-27,,SIG) 3312700200006 DECAY-MON (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,843.76,0.7094, 3312700200007 DG,1014.52,0.2906) 3312700200008 MONIT-REF (41614004,A.A.Filatenkov,R,INDC(CCP)-0460,2016) 3312700200009 ENDBIB 7 0 3312700200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3312700200011 DATA 5 5 3312700200012 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T MONIT 3312700200013 MEV MEV MB MB MB 3312700200014 13.73 0.07 850. 58. 78.24 3312700200015 14.07 0.08 951. 58. 73.65 3312700200016 14.42 0.12 1015. 63. 68.31 3312700200017 14.68 0.15 1047. 62. 66.31 3312700200018 14.77 0.17 1092. 81. 63.98 3312700200019 ENDDATA 7 0 3312700200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 3312700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3312799999999