ENTRY 31841 20211117 32033184100000001 SUBENT 31841001 20211117 32033184100100001 BIB 13 20 3184100100002 TITLE Determination of the fission yields of 141Ba and 142Ba 3184100100003 AUTHOR (J.Maly, V.Knobloch, D.Imrisova, Z.Prasil, Z.Urbanec) 3184100100004 INSTITUTE (3CZRUJF) 3184100100005 REFERENCE (J,CZC,23,1886,1958) 3184100100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,3CZRUJF) 3184100100007 INC-SOURCE (D-BE) 9Be(d,n) 3184100100008 INC-SPECT The samples were placed in an ice-cool paraffin block 3184100100009 and irradiated with thermal neutrons, which were 3184100100010 obtained by slowing down the neutrons from the 3184100100011 9Be(d,n)10Be reaction. 3184100100012 The relative neutron flux at the sample was determined 3184100100013 with the aid of the activation method using indium 3184100100014 foils. 3184100100015 SAMPLE Each sample consists of 5 g UO2(NO3)2 3184100100016 METHOD (CHSEP,BSPEC) Chemical separation of products 3184100100017 Beta ray spectrometry 3184100100018 DETECTOR (GEMUC) Geiger-Mueller counter 3184100100019 ANALYSIS (DECAY) 3184100100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given. 3184100100021 HISTORY (20211102C) VS. + LV. 3184100100022 ENDBIB 20 0 3184100100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 3184100100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 3184100199999 SUBENT 31841002 20211117 32033184100200001 BIB 2 2 3184100200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 3184100200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.23(1958)1886 3184100200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3184100200005 COMMON 2 3 3184100200006 KT-K ELEMENT 3184100200007 DEG-C NO-DIM 3184100200008 0. 56. 3184100200009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3184100200010 DATA 3 2 3184100200011 MASS DATA DATA-ERR 3184100200012 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 3184100200013 141. 5.26 0.32 3184100200014 142. 4.91 0.53 3184100200015 ENDDATA 4 0 3184100200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 3184100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3184199999999