ENTRY 31587 20060820 31203158700000001 SUBENT 31587001 20060820 31203158700100001 BIB 11 19 3158700100002 TITLE Accurate relative gamma-ray intensities from neutron 3158700100003 capture on natural chromium 3158700100004 AUTHOR (T.Belgya,G.L.Molnar) 3158700100005 INSTITUTE (3HUNII ) 3158700100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,213,29,2004) 3158700100007 FACILITY (REAC) 3158700100008 METHOD (GSPEC) 3158700100009 DETECTOR (HPGE) HPGe-BGO Compton-suppressed spectrometer 3158700100010 SAMPLE A thin (0.4 mm), 251 mg, natural chromium metal target 3158700100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error. Most of them are accurate 3158700100012 to 1% or better. In five cases the fitted full-energy 3158700100013 peak areas were corrected for an escape contribution 3158700100014 of a higher energy transition. These corrections 3158700100015 are less than 0.6% in all cases for Compton-suppression3158700100016 system. For measurements without Compton-suppression, 3158700100017 these corrections can be much larger (author's comm.) 3158700100018 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tbl. 1 of main reference. 3158700100019 (APRVD) Entry aprroved by Dr. T.Belgya 3158700100020 HISTORY (20060820C) SD 3158700100021 ENDBIB 19 0 3158700100022 COMMON 1 3 3158700100023 EN-DUMMY 3158700100024 EV 3158700100025 0.0005 3158700100026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3158700100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 3158700199999 SUBENT 31587002 20060822 31203158700200001 BIB 2 7 3158700200002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,G),,SPC,,REL) 3158700200003 FLAG (1.) Intensity is corrected for single escape 3158700200004 contribution. 3158700200005 (2.) Intensity is corrected for double escape 3158700200006 contribution 3158700200007 (3.) Intensity is corrected for capture on nitrogen 3158700200008 contribution. 3158700200009 ENDBIB 7 0 3158700200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3158700200011 DATA 4 25 3158700200012 E DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 3158700200013 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 3158700200014 564.3 8.17 0.3 3158700200015 749.2 41.25 0.12 3158700200016 835.0 99.7 0.3 3158700200017 1150.0 1.52 0.01 1. 3158700200018 1784.7 12.80 0.05 3158700200019 1899.2 6.17 0.03 1. 3158700200020 2239.2 13.50 0.06 3158700200021 2321.1 9.65 0.04 1. 3158700200022 2376.8 2.58 0.01 3158700200023 2670.2 2.00 0.01 2. 3158700200024 3617.0 1.88 0.01 3158700200025 3719.9 4.66 0.02 3158700200026 4322.5 2.09 0.01 1. 3158700200027 5269.1 3.32 0.03 3. 3158700200028 5618.3 9.46 0.07 3158700200029 5998.8 5.67 0.05 3158700200030 6135.6 4.65 0.10 3158700200031 6644.7 12.25 0.10 3158700200032 7099.1 9.60 0.09 3158700200033 7362.3 6.41 0.06 3158700200034 7374.9 5.55 0.05 3158700200035 7939.0 29.3 0.3 3158700200036 8511.9 15.5 0.2 3158700200037 8883.2 56.0 0.7 3158700200038 9717.9 19.9 0.3 3158700200039 ENDDATA 27 0 3158700200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 3158700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3158799999999