ENTRY 30306 20090115 31343030600000001 SUBENT 30306001 20090115 31343030600100001 BIB 12 22 3030600100002 INSTITUTE (3PAKLAH) 3030600100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,202,123,197302) 3030600100004 (P,INDC(SEC)-42,185,197412) No data given 3030600100005 AUTHOR (N.A.Khan,S.Mubarakmand,Mahmud Ahmad) 3030600100006 TITLE Aspects of alpha-emission from the bombardment of 3030600100007 Ni-58 with 14.7 MeV neutrons 3030600100008 FACILITY (CCW,3PAKLAH) 3030600100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 3030600100010 SAMPLE 99.5% enriched Ni-58, 10 mg/cm2 3030600100011 METHOD Measurement of the outgoing alpha-particle with 3030600100012 emulsion plates. They are the combined contributions 3030600100013 from the three most probable reactions Ni-58(n,a), 3030600100014 Ni-58(n,an') and Ni-58(n,n'a). 3030600100015 DETECTOR (PLATE) Emulsion plates 3030600100016 (SCIN) NE102 plastic scintillator for recoil alphas 3030600100017 PART-DET (A) 3030600100018 MONITOR Neutron flux was monitored using a plastic scintillator3030600100019 for detecting the recoil alpha-particles emitted in 3030600100020 the H-3(d,n)He-4 reaction. 3030600100021 HISTORY (19850729C) DG.- 3030600100022 (19970523A) HW.- Previous subentry 78014002 added.- 3030600100023 (20090115A) BIB section updated 3030600100024 ENDBIB 22 0 3030600100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 3030600100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 3030600199999 SUBENT 30306002 20090115 31343030600200001 BIB 3 8 3030600200002 REACTION ((28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,,DA)+ 3030600200003 (28-NI-58(N,N+A)26-FE-54,,DA)) 3030600200004 Combined from Ni-58(n,a)+(n,an')+(n,n'a) 3030600200005 The integrated value of the total cross-sections 3030600200006 for the sum of all three reactions is 180+-20 mb. 3030600200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information 3030600200008 STATUS (CURVE) 3030600200009 Data taken from fig.4,Nucl.Phys.A202(1973)123 3030600200010 ENDBIB 8 0 3030600200011 COMMON 1 3 3030600200012 EN 3030600200013 MEV 3030600200014 1.4700E+01 3030600200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3030600200016 DATA 3 13 3030600200017 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR 3030600200018 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 3030600200019 2.0000E+01 1.7300E+01 9.0000E-01 3030600200020 3.0000E+01 1.6600E+01 8.0000E-01 3030600200021 4.0000E+01 1.4600E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200022 5.0000E+01 1.3300E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200023 6.0000E+01 1.2000E+01 4.0000E-01 3030600200024 7.0000E+01 1.3000E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200025 8.0000E+01 1.1500E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200026 9.0000E+01 1.1700E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200027 1.0000E+02 1.1600E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200028 1.1000E+02 1.2600E+01 6.0000E-01 3030600200029 1.2000E+02 1.4000E+01 7.0000E-01 3030600200030 1.3000E+02 1.5200E+01 6.0000E-01 3030600200031 1.4000E+02 1.7000E+01 8.0000E-01 3030600200032 ENDDATA 15 0 3030600200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3030600299999 SUBENT 30306003 20090115 31343030600300001 BIB 3 16 3030600300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,N+A)26-FE-54,,SIG) 3030600300003 Ni-58(n,n'a) cross section 3030600300004 ANALYSIS From reaction kinetics and Q-values it is seen that 3030600300005 alpha-particles from Ni-58(n,an')and Ni-58(n,n'a) can 3030600300006 have energies only below 8 MeV. From the experimental 3030600300007 alpha spectrum it is apparent that about 50% of 3030600300008 the total alpha-particles. 3030600300009 The evaporation spectrum from the statistical plot for 3030600300010 the reactions Ni-58(n,a) and Ni-58(n,an') shows that 3030600300011 only about 30% of the alpha-particles falls 3030600300012 below 8MeV. 3030600300013 From these considerations it is estimated that the 3030600300014 cross-section for the reaction Ni-58(n,n'a) is about 3030600300015 20% of the total cross-section for all the 3030600300016 three reactions,i.e.about 36 mb. 3030600300017 STATUS (DEP,30306002) Data from text Nucl.Phys.A202(1973)123. 3030600300018 ENDBIB 16 0 3030600300019 COMMON 1 3 3030600300020 EN 3030600300021 MEV 3030600300022 1.4700E+01 3030600300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3030600300024 DATA 1 1 3030600300025 DATA 3030600300026 MB 3030600300027 3.6000E+01 3030600300028 ENDDATA 3 0 3030600300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3030600399999 SUBENT 30306004 20090115 31343030600400001 BIB 4 17 3030600400002 REACTION 1(26-FE-55(0,0),,LDP) 3030600400003 2(26-FE-55(0,0),,TEM) 3030600400004 ANALYSIS Level density parameter was deduced from the slope of 3030600400005 the line that is given as a result of plotting 3030600400006 ln((square(E)*n(E'))/(E'*sigma(E'))) 3030600400007 as a function of square root(E),were 3030600400008 E=excitation energy of the residual nucleus, 3030600400009 E'=kinetic energy of the alpha particle in c.m. system,3030600400010 n(E')=number of alpha particles emmitted between 3030600400011 energies of E' and E'+dE', 3030600400012 sigma(E')=cross-section for the formation of the 3030600400013 compound nucleus in the inverse reaction. 3030600400014 the formula for nuclear temperature T, 3030600400015 1/T=(square root(a/E))-2/E 3030600400016 where a=level density parameter 3030600400017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information 3030600400018 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from text Nucl.Phys.A202(1973)123. 3030600400019 ENDBIB 17 0 3030600400020 NOCOMMON 0 0 3030600400021 DATA 4 1 3030600400022 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 3030600400023 1/MEV 1/MEV MEV MEV 3030600400024 9.7000E+00 4.5000E-01 1.0220E+00 1.5000E-01 3030600400025 ENDDATA 3 0 3030600400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 3030600499999 SUBENT 30306005 20090115 31343030600500001 BIB 5 5 3030600500002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 3030600500003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 3030600500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information 3030600500005 HISTORY (19970523A) HW.- Previous subent 78014002.- 3030600500006 STATUS (DEP,30306002) 3030600500007 ENDBIB 5 0 3030600500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3030600500009 DATA 3 1 3030600500010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 3030600500011 MEV MB MB 3030600500012 1.4700E+01 1.8000E+02 2.0000E+01 3030600500013 ENDDATA 3 0 3030600500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 3030600599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 3030699999999