ENTRY 23801 20210420 23012380100000001 SUBENT 23801001 20210420 23012380100100001 BIB 10 22 2380100100002 TITLE Independent fission-fields of caesium-134 2380100100003 AUTHOR (I.O.Anderson, D.Brune) 2380100100004 REFERENCE (J,NAT,211,618,1966) 2380100100005 INSTITUTE (2SWDAE) 2380100100006 FACILITY (REAC,2SWDAE) R2 reactor 2380100100007 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2380100100008 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron flux ~2.E+12 n/(cm2*sec); 2380100100009 fast flux ~4.E+12 n/(cm2*sec). 2380100100010 DETECTOR (GELI) Semiconductor detector was a Li-drifted Ge diode2380100100011 with 2 mm depleted depth and 2.8 cm2 area; connected 2380100100012 with 512-channel pulse height analyzer; used to 2380100100013 measure gamma-ray spectrum of the separated Cs sample. 2380100100014 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP) 2380100100015 Cs-134/Cs-137 disintegration rate ratio was measured: 2380100100016 Irradiation time Cs134/Cs137 disintegration rate ratio2380100100017 2.5 hr < 4.*10**-4 2380100100018 1 d < 4.*10**-4 2380100100019 3 d < 5.*10**-4 2380100100020 8.8 d (6.+-4.)*10**-4 2380100100021 28.1 d (35.+-9.)*10**-4 2380100100022 Errors are three times standard deviation. 2380100100023 HISTORY (20210420C) M.M. 2380100100024 ENDBIB 22 0 2380100100025 COMMON 1 3 2380100100026 EN-DUMMY 2380100100027 EV 2380100100028 0.0253 2380100100029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2380100100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2380100199999 SUBENT 23801002 20210420 23012380100200001 BIB 5 9 2380100200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)55-CS-134,IND,FY,,SPA) 2380100200003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.90) 5-10 mg. 2380100200004 DECAY-DATA (55-CS-137,,DG,667.) 2380100200005 (55-CS-134-G,2.1YR,DG,797./802.) 2380100200006 REL-REF (A,,A.P.Baerg+,J,CJC,38,2147,1960) 2380100200007 < 1.4*10**-5 % for Cs-134-M 2380100200008 (A,,W.E.Grummitt+,J,JIN,5,93,1957) 2380100200009 ~ 8.*10**-6 % 2380100200010 STATUS (TABLE) Text p.618 of Nature(London),v.211,p.618,1966 2380100200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2380100200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2380100200013 DATA 1 1 2380100200014 DATA-MAX 2380100200015 PC/FIS 2380100200016 8.E-05 2380100200017 ENDDATA 3 0 2380100200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2380100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2380199999999