ENTRY 23715 20200601 22882371500000001 SUBENT 23715001 20200601 22882371500100001 BIB 11 19 2371500100002 TITLE Light nuclei from the thermal neutron induced fission 2371500100003 of 235U 2371500100004 AUTHOR (T.P.Doan,G.Barreau,A.Sicre,F.Caitucoli,B.Leroux, 2371500100005 J.P.Theobald,M.Mutterer,P.Koczon) 2371500100006 REFERENCE (J,RE,93,61,1986) Data Table 2371500100007 ((P,INDC(FR)-66,36,1985)= 2371500100008 (P,NEANDC(E)-262/L,36,1985)) In French 2371500100009 Prelim. data for He-6, Li-9, Be-10, Be-12, C-15 2371500100010 INSTITUTE (2FR GRA,2GERTHD,2FR ILL) 2371500100011 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) High Flux Reactor. 2371500100012 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2371500100013 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons, 5.E+14 n/(cm2*sec) 2371500100014 SAMPLE No information in the article. 2371500100015 DETECTOR (TELES,PROPC,SIBAR) E-dE telescope placed in the focal 2371500100016 plane of the mass-spectrometer Lohengrin. 2371500100017 Consisted of a proportional counter and 10 independent 2371500100018 Si-Au surface barrier detectors. 2371500100019 METHOD (EDE) 2371500100020 HISTORY (20200601C) M.M. 2371500100021 ENDBIB 19 0 2371500100022 COMMON 1 3 2371500100023 EN-DUMMY 2371500100024 EV 2371500100025 0.0253 2371500100026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2371500100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2371500199999 SUBENT 23715002 20200601 22882371500200001 BIB 5 11 2371500200002 REACTION 1((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,TER,FY)/ 2371500200003 (92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,FY)) 2371500200004 Ratio is given in the article to 10**4 alphas, 2371500200005 so factor 10-4 was applied to data in DATA block. 2371500200006 2(92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,TER,KE) 2371500200007 MISC-COL (MISC) FWHM of energy distribution, MeV 2371500200008 REL-REF (A,40503001,A.A.Vorobyev+,J,PL/B,40,102,1972) 2371500200009 Mainly agree 2371500200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2371500200011 article. 2371500200012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Radiation Effects,v.93,p.61,1986 2371500200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2371500200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2371500200015 DATA 9 13 2371500200016 ELEMENT MASS DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA-MAX 1DATA 22371500200017 DATA-ERR 2MISC MISC-ERR 2371500200018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MEV 2371500200019 MEV MEV MEV 2371500200020 2. 6. 169. E-04 2. E-04 10.73 2371500200021 0.03 9.5 0.1 2371500200022 2. 10. 0.005 E-04 2371500200023 2371500200024 3. 9. 2.19E-04 0.11 E-04 12.92 2371500200025 0.16 9.8 0.46 2371500200026 4. 9. 1.67E-04 0.8 E-04 12.54 2371500200027 0.69 8.8 3.1 2371500200028 4. 10. 32.00E-04 0.07 E-04 17.2 2371500200029 0.1 17.8 0.3 2371500200030 4. 12. 0.70E-04 0.13 E-04 14.89 2371500200031 0.88 11.46 1.82 2371500200032 5. 12. 0.22E-04 0.02 E-04 18.80 2371500200033 0.82 13.00 2371500200034 5. 15. 0.01 E-04 2371500200035 2371500200036 6. 15. 1.28E-04 0.1 E-04 21.45 2371500200037 0.36 12.81 0.84 2371500200038 6. 18. 0.057E-04 0.015E-04 18.59 2371500200039 1.24 14.00 2371500200040 8. 18. 2.70E-04 0.55 E-04 18.53 2371500200041 1.04 11.21 1.26 2371500200042 8. 21. 0.12 2371500200043 2371500200044 10. 21. 12.63E-04 2.30 E-04 18.97 2371500200045 1.3 14.64 1.14 2371500200046 ENDDATA 30 0 2371500200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2371500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2371599999999