ENTRY 23576 20220213 23102357600000001 SUBENT 23576001 20220213 23102357600100001 BIB 11 26 2357600100002 TITLE Effects of the third minimum on the fission 2357600100003 characteristics in the actinide region 2357600100004 AUTHOR (M.Csatlos, Z.Gasi, J.Gulyas, A.Krasznahorkay, 2357600100005 A.Krasznahorkay Jr, Z.Mate,J.Timar,M.Heil, F.Kaeppeler,2357600100006 R.Reifarth, M.Fayez-Hassan) 2357600100007 REFERENCE (J,APP/B,34,2119,2003) 2357600100008 (J,AHP/N,18,323,2003) - prelim.data 2357600100009 (P,ATOMKI-AR-2001,8,2002) 2357600100010 Widths of mass distributions on fig.1 bottom. 2357600100011 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK) M.Heil, F.Kaeppeler, R.Reifarth 2357600100012 (3HUNDEB) M.Csatlos, Z.Gasi, J.Gulyas, A.Krasznahorkay,2357600100013 A.Krasznahorkay Jr, Z.Mate, J.Timar 2357600100014 (3EGYCAI) M.Fayez-Hassan 2357600100015 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) 2357600100016 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 50 uA proton beam on 200 ug/cm2 metallic Li 2357600100017 target 2357600100018 INC-SPECT Average neutron flux at sample position 2357600100019 ~1.8E+6 n/(cm2*sec) 2357600100020 SAMPLE ThO(2) sample of 12.5 cm2 x 100 ug/cm2. 2357600100021 Placed in the center plane of detector. 2357600100022 DETECTOR (IOCH) Twin ionization chamber constructed in Debrecen.2357600100023 Filled with 90% Ar + 10% CH(4) at 1 atm pressure. 2357600100024 METHOD (COINC) Two complementary fragments in coincidence in 2357600100025 two chambers. 2357600100026 HISTORY (20200801C) M.M. 2357600100027 (20220213U) SD: Ref. AHP/N,18,323 added. 2357600100028 ENDBIB 26 0 2357600100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 2357600100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2357600199999 SUBENT 23576002 20200801 22932357600200001 BIB 3 7 2357600200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F)MASS,SEC,KE,LF+HF) 2357600200003 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 2357600200004 scale X - 0.0003 MeV, scale Y - 0.010 MeV. 2357600200005 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2357600200006 article. 2357600200007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 right in Acta Physica Polonica, Part B, 2357600200008 v.34, p.2119, 2003. 2357600200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2357600200010 COMMON 2 3 2357600200011 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2357600200012 MEV MEV 2357600200013 0.00022 0.0088 2357600200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2357600200015 DATA 5 27 2357600200016 EN MASS-MIN MASS-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 2357600200017 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM MEV MEV 2357600200018 1.511 125. 155. 163.660 0.231 2357600200019 1.511 128. 136. 168.660 0.315 2357600200020 1.511 130. 134. 169.800 0.504 2357600200021 1.536 125. 155. 164.170 0.231 2357600200022 1.536 128. 136. 169.170 0.273 2357600200023 1.536 130. 134. 170.010 0.504 2357600200024 1.587 128. 136. 169.550 0.441 2357600200025 1.587 130. 134. 171.500 0.504 2357600200026 1.588 125. 155. 164.380 0.210 2357600200027 1.613 125. 155. 164.570 0.210 2357600200028 1.613 128. 136. 170.600 0.399 2357600200029 1.613 130. 134. 172.990 0.714 2357600200030 1.638 125. 155. 164.660 0.231 2357600200031 1.638 128. 136. 169.680 0.525 2357600200032 1.638 130. 134. 171.100 0.798 2357600200033 1.664 125. 155. 164.970 0.231 2357600200034 1.664 128. 136. 169.470 0.420 2357600200035 1.664 130. 134. 171.610 0.693 2357600200036 1.689 125. 155. 164.760 0.231 2357600200037 1.689 128. 136. 170.080 0.357 2357600200038 1.689 130. 134. 170.790 0.714 2357600200039 1.714 130. 134. 170.700 0.399 2357600200040 1.715 125. 155. 164.570 0.231 2357600200041 1.715 128. 136. 169.870 0.336 2357600200042 1.740 125. 155. 164.570 0.231 2357600200043 1.740 128. 136. 170.670 0.357 2357600200044 1.740 130. 134. 171.690 0.609 2357600200045 ENDDATA 29 0 2357600200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2357600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2357699999999