ENTRY 22737 20191116 22832273700000001 SUBENT 22737001 20191116 22832273700100001 BIB 15 59 2273700100002 TITLE Measurement of thermal neutron cross section and 2273700100003 resonance integral of the reaction 2273700100004 137-Cs(n,gamma)138-Cs 2273700100005 AUTHOR (T.Sekine,Y.Hatsukawa,Katsutoshi Kobayashi,H.Harada, 2273700100006 H.Watanabe,T.Katoh) 2273700100007 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE) T.Sekine, Y.Hatsukawa, K.Kobayashi - Dept. 2273700100008 of Radioisotopes 2273700100009 (2JPNPNC) H.Harada, H.Watanabe - Nucl. Fuel Techn. 2273700100010 Development Division 2273700100011 (2JPNNAG) T.Katoh - Dept. of Nucl. Engineering 2273700100012 REFERENCE (J,NST,30,1099,1993) Main reference, data and 2273700100013 experimental details 2273700100014 (J,NST,37,827,2000) Revised value given 2273700100015 ((S,JAERI-M-91-032,199,1991)= 2273700100016 (S,NEANDC(J)-160,199,1991)= 2273700100017 (S,INDC(JPN)-148,199,1991)) - first present. on Conf. 2273700100018 (C,91JUELIC,,57,1991) (final sig0,RI) 2273700100019 FACILITY (REAC,2JPNJAE) JRR-4 swimming pool reactor 2273700100020 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2273700100021 INC-SPECT .Epithermal neutron spectrum variates according to 2273700100022 1/E law 2273700100023 DETECTOR (HPGE) 90% efficiency relative to 3" times 3" NaI(Tl) 2273700100024 detector, 2.3 keV resolution at 1.3 MeV gamma energy 2273700100025 - for Cs-137/Cs-138 measurement. 2273700100026 Monitor samples Co-60 and Au-198 were measured with 2273700100027 another HPGE detector, 24% efficiency and 2.0 keV 2273700100028 resolution at 1.3 MeV 2273700100029 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) 2273700100030 (ASSUM2,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2273700100031 METHOD (ACTIV) 2273700100032 (CADMB) Modified cadmium ratio method. Irradiation 2273700100033 produced with (10 min) and without (2 min for Run 1, 2273700100034 10 min for Run 2) cadmium shield 2273700100035 (STTA) Simultaneous irradiation of sample and 2273700100036 monitor wires 2273700100037 (CHSEP) 2273700100038 SAMPLE .0.4 MBq of Cs-137 was used as a sample contained in 2273700100039 a 0.003 liters of Ca-Cl solution which was then 2273700100040 evaporated to dryness and deposited at the bottom 2273700100041 of the bottle as a thin disk 7 mm diam. and less than 2273700100042 0.5 mm thick. Accurate number of Cs-137 atoms was 2273700100043 determined relative to Cs-138 product atoms about 2273700100044 30 min after irradiation 2273700100045 .Monitor samples were 0.475% Co/Al and 0.061% Au/Al 2273700100046 alloys wires 0.76 and 0.51 mm diameter, 3 mm long 2273700100047 sticked on the outside of the sample bottle. 2273700100048 DECAY-DATA (55-CS-137,30.17YR,DG,662.,0.85) 2273700100049 (55-CS-138-G,33.4MIN,DG,1436.,0.750) 2273700100050 CORRECTION Corrections for self-absorption of gammas in sample 2273700100051 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Sum error of counting efficiency, error of 2273700100052 the neutron flux determination and statistical error 2273700100053 (ERR-1) Error of the counting efficiency at the 2273700100054 67% confidence level 2273700100055 HISTORY (20060203C) + + SM 2273700100056 (20180429A) Ref. on JAERI-M-91-032 was added. 2273700100057 Subent 004 added. 2273700100058 (20190830A) SD:ref. added. Small corrections in Subents2273700100059 MONITOR -> ASSUMED. Ref.NST,37,827,2000 added. 2273700100060 (20191116U) SD: Ref. 91JUELIC,,57,1991 added. 2273700100061 ENDBIB 59 0 2273700100062 COMMON 3 3 2273700100063 MONIT1 MONIT2 ERR-1 2273700100064 B B PER-CENT 2273700100065 37.2 98.8 3.0 2273700100066 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2273700100067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 2273700199999 SUBENT 22737002 20180429 22702273700200001 BIB 4 9 2273700200002 REACTION (55-CS-137(N,G)55-CS-138,,SIG) 2273700200003 REL-REF (A,22174002,H.Harada+,J,NST,27,577,1990) First 2273700200004 measurement of the 137-Cs(n,gamma) sigma without 2273700200005 Cd filter 2273700200006 (D,12021002,D.C.Stupegia,J,JNE/A,12,16,1960) 2273700200007 STATUS (TABLE) From table 4 of Nucl.Sci.Tech.30(1993)1099 2273700200008 (COREL,22174002) 2273700200009 (SPSDD,22737004) 2273700200010 HISTORY (20180429U) SD: STATUS 'SPSDD' updated. 2273700200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2273700200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2273700200013 DATA 3 1 2273700200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2273700200015 EV B B 2273700200016 2.53E-02 0.253 0.022 2273700200017 ENDDATA 3 0 2273700200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2273700299999 SUBENT 22737003 20190830 22822273700300001 BIB 3 3 2273700300002 REACTION (55-CS-137(N,G)55-CS-138,,RI) 2273700300003 STATUS (TABLE) From table 6 of Nucl.Sci.Tech.,30(1993)1099 2273700300004 HISTORY (20190830U) SD: STATUS updated. 2273700300005 ENDBIB 3 0 2273700300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2273700300007 DATA 3 1 2273700300008 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 2273700300009 EV B B 2273700300010 0.5 0.36 0.07 2273700300011 ENDDATA 3 0 2273700300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 2273700399999 SUBENT 22737004 20190830 22822273700400001 BIB 4 9 2273700400002 REACTION (55-CS-137(N,G)55-CS-138,,SIG,,SPA) 2273700400003 revised effective cross section 2273700400004 COMMENT Revised data taking into account the 138Cs metastable 2273700400005 production properly 2273700400006 STATUS (TABLE) text on p.830 of Nucl.Sci.Tech.,37(200)827 2273700400007 (COREL,22174004) 0.1 MBq sample irradiated at JRR-4 2273700400008 (COREL,22649003) 0.37 MBq sample irradiated at KUR 2273700400009 HISTORY (20180429C) SD 2273700400010 (20190830U) SD: STATUS updated. 2273700400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2273700400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2273700400013 DATA 3 1 2273700400014 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 2273700400015 EV B B 2273700400016 2.53E-02 0.29 0.02 2273700400017 ENDDATA 3 0 2273700400018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2273700499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2273799999999