ENTRY 22465 20180316 22672246500000001 SUBENT 22465001 20180316 22672246500100001 BIB 18 95 2246500100002 TITLE Excitation Functions of 50Cr(n,np+pn+d),58Ni(n,alpha),2246500100003 58Ni(n,(alpha-p)+(p-alpha)), and 62Ni(n,alpha)59Fe 2246500100004 reactions 2246500100005 AUTHOR (A.Fessler,S.M.Qaim) 2246500100006 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL) Fessler, Qaim 2246500100007 (2ZZZGEL) Fessler 2246500100008 REFERENCE (J,RCA,84,1,1999) Main reference 2246500100009 REL-REF (I,,S.M.Qaim+,J,NSE,88,143,1984) Target and geometry 2246500100010 of D(d,n)He-3 Neutron Source 2246500100011 (I,,A.Pavlik+,J,JP/G,8,1283,1982) Details of stack 2246500100012 target irradiation 2246500100013 (O,22406001,A.Fessler+,J,PR/C,58,996,1998) - Experim. 2246500100014 details and data for Cr-52,53 (data are the same 2246500100015 as in JUEL-3502). 2246500100016 (O,22440001,A.Fessler,R,JUEL-3502,1998) - full 2246500100017 description of experiment and data for Fe-54 2246500100018 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) Variable Energy Compact Cyclotron 2246500100019 CV 28 2246500100020 (VDG,2ZZZGEL) 7MV Van de Graaff Accelerator 2246500100021 INC-SPECT quasi-monoenergetic neutrons 2246500100022 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 2H(d,n)3He reaction for 7.5-12.3 MeV En-range 2246500100023 using D2 gas target 2246500100024 (D-T) 3H(D,N)4He reaction for 12.9-19.4 MeV En-range 2246500100025 using solid Ti-T target 2.047 mg/cm2 thick 2246500100026 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) For neutron energy 2246500100027 Less Than 12.5 MeV 2246500100028 (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) For neutron energy 2246500100029 greater than 12.5 MeV 2246500100030 MONIT-REF (,N.P.Kocherov+,R,IAEA-NDS-141,1993) 2246500100031 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation technique in combination with 2246500100032 (GSPEC) Non-destructive gamma-ray and X-ray spectrum. 2246500100033 (STTA) Stack of samples and aluminum/niobium 2246500100034 monitor foils 2246500100035 (CHSEP) Radiochemical separation 2246500100036 DETECTOR (HPGE) For Al/Nb and some reaction products activity 2246500100037 measurement 2246500100038 (SILI) For X-ray detection 2246500100039 SAMPLE Aliminum/Niobium foils 1.3/1.4 cm diam., 0.025 cm 2246500100040 thick 2246500100041 Iron foil 1.3 cm diam., 0.025 cm thick - 2246500100042 for neutron background determination 2246500100043 CORRECTION .Gas-out irradiations were done with Al and Fe foils 2246500100044 to establish correction factors for neutron back- 2246500100045 ground using 27Al(n,p)27Mg, 27Al(n,alpha)24Na and 2246500100046 55Fe(n,p)55Mn reactions. 2246500100047 .Corrections were made also for 2246500100048 -Neutron flux fluctuations during irradiations 2246500100049 -Coincidence losses, gamma-ray abundance 2246500100050 -Gamma-ray self-absorption 2246500100051 -Detector efficiency 2246500100052 -Radial dependence of detector efficiency 2246500100053 -Difference between the geometries of sample and 2246500100054 calibration sources 2246500100055 -Yield of chemical separation sources 2246500100056 ADD-RES (THEO,COMP) Nuclear model calculations 2246500100057 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error equal to square root from all 2246500100058 the partial errors given below 2246500100059 (ERR-1,8.,10.) Uncertainty from gamma-ray spectrometry 2246500100060 including: 2246500100061 * Statistical error 1.5-9.% 2246500100062 * Error of sample weight 0.1-1.% 2246500100063 * Error of geometry 1-1.5% 2246500100064 * Error of irradiation geometry 0.5% 2246500100065 * Error of self-absorption <0.5% 2246500100066 * Error of correction for activity induced 2246500100067 by background neutrons <0.6% 2246500100068 * Error of coincidence summing correction <0.5% 2246500100069 * Error of emission probability <0.4% 2246500100070 * Error of half-life of activity <0.2% 2246500100071 * Error of the efficiency of detector 1.5% 2246500100072 * Error of reference cross section. 1.5-3.5%2246500100073 (ERR-2,8.,20.) Uncertainty from X-ray spectrometry 2246500100074 including: 2246500100075 * Statistical error 3.-15.% 2246500100076 * Error of sample weight 0.1-1.% 2246500100077 * Error of geometry 2.5-4.5%2246500100078 * Error of irradiation geometry 0.5% 2246500100079 * Error of self-absorption 1.5-3.5%2246500100080 * Error of correction for activity induced 2246500100081 by background neutrons <2.0% 2246500100082 * Error of emission probability <3.5% 2246500100083 * Error of half-life of activity 1.-4.% 2246500100084 * Error of the efficiency of detector 5.% 2246500100085 * Error of reference cross section. 1.5-3.5%2246500100086 (EN-ERR) - uncertainty in energy 2246500100087 STATUS (APRVD) A.Fessler, 1999-11 2246500100088 HISTORY (19991112C) Compiled at ANL by A.Fessler 2246500100089 (20000323C) + + First corrected by S.M. 2246500100090 (20020725U) = = Corrected by S.M. 2246500100091 (20020724U) Last checking has been done. 2246500100092 (20170822U) SD: Refs were moved to REL-REF. ERR-ANALYS 2246500100093 update. Cosmetic changes in all Subents. STATUS 'COREL'2246500100094 deleted (info in REL-REF). EN-RSL -> EN-ERR. 2246500100095 (20180316A) SD: Subents 006,007 deleted. Datasets 2246500100096 moved to Subents 21958.007, 21958.008. 2246500100097 ENDBIB 95 0 2246500100098 NOCOMMON 0 0 2246500100099 ENDSUBENT 98 0 2246500199999 SUBENT 22465002 20170822 22652246500200001 BIB 6 14 2246500200002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)23-V-49,,SIG) Cross-section for 2246500200003 (n,np+pn),(n,d) reaction 2246500200004 DECAY-DATA (23-V-49,330.D,XR,4.51,0.171, 2246500200005 XR,4.93,0.019) 2246500200006 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,NAT=0.0435) High-purity (99.9%) metallic 2246500200007 chromium sample fabricated with laser-cutting 2246500200008 technique into small disks of 1.3 cm diam. and 0.1 cm2246500200009 thickness. Weight is aprx. 1 gram 2246500200010 REL-REF (A,21784004,S.M.Qaim,J,NP/A,382,(2),255,1982) - 2246500200011 value at 14 MeV was determined via a similar technique2246500200012 and is in good agreement with new value from this exp.2246500200013 STATUS (TABLE) From Table 3 of RCA,84,1,1999. 2246500200014 HISTORY (20170822U) SD: STATUS 'COREL' deleted, information 2246500200015 moved to REL-REF. 2246500200016 ENDBIB 14 0 2246500200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2246500200018 DATA 4 4 2246500200019 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2246500200020 MEV MEV MB MB 2246500200021 14.25 0.20 350.5 62.1 2246500200022 17.20 0.25 626.1 78.9 2246500200023 18.80 0.30 699.2 77.0 2246500200024 19.40 0.32 680.0 92.1 2246500200025 ENDDATA 6 0 2246500200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2246500299999 SUBENT 22465003 20170822 22652246500300001 BIB 6 11 2246500300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,,SIG) 2246500300003 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-55,985.5D,XR,5.89,0.249, 2246500300004 XR,6.49,0.034) 2246500300005 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,NAT=0.6827) High purity (99.9%) metallic 2246500300006 nickel powder pressed into pellets of 1.4 cm diam. 2246500300007 and 0.5 cm thickness. weight aprx. 5 g 2246500300008 REL-REF (A,21958007,S.M.Qaim+,J,NSE,88,(2),143,1984) Presented 2246500300009 data agreed with old one after renormalization. 2246500300010 STATUS (TABLE) From Table 3 of RCA,84,1,1999. 2246500300011 HISTORY (20170822U) SD: STATUS 'COREL' deleted, information 2246500300012 moved to REL-REF. 2246500300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2246500300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2246500300015 DATA 4 11 2246500300016 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2246500300017 MEV MEV MB MB 2246500300018 7.48 0.20 81.7 7.6 2246500300019 8.47 0.23 91.4 8.2 2246500300020 9.53 0.25 95.0 8.3 2246500300021 10.61 0.30 92.9 8.4 2246500300022 11.55 0.33 102.2 8.9 2246500300023 12.30 0.35 104.9 8.9 2246500300024 12.97 0.20 98.5 8. 2246500300025 14.25 0.20 101.6 8.9 2246500300026 17.20 0.25 66.2 5.8 2246500300027 18.80 0.30 55.7 5. 2246500300028 19.40 0.32 50.4 4.5 2246500300029 ENDDATA 13 0 2246500300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2246500399999 SUBENT 22465004 20170822 22652246500400001 BIB 5 7 2246500400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)25-MN-54,,SIG) 2246500400003 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,312.3D,DG,835.,1.000) 2246500400004 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,NAT=0.6827) High purity (99.9%) metallic 2246500400005 nickel powder pressed into pellets of 1.4 cm diam. 2246500400006 and 0.5 cm thickness. weight aprx. 5 g 2246500400007 STATUS (TABLE) From Table 3 of RCA,84,1,1999. 2246500400008 HISTORY (20170822A) SD: SF3=P+A -> X in REACTION code. 2246500400009 ENDBIB 7 0 2246500400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2246500400011 DATA 4 4 2246500400012 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2246500400013 MEV MEV MB MB 2246500400014 14.25 0.20 0.3 0.1 2246500400015 17.20 0.25 12.4 1.1 2246500400016 18.80 0.30 22.2 1.9 2246500400017 19.40 0.32 26.8 2.3 2246500400018 ENDDATA 6 0 2246500400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 2246500499999 SUBENT 22465005 20170822 22652246500500001 BIB 6 11 2246500500002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,A)26-FE-59,,SIG) 2246500500003 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,1099.,0.565, 2246500500004 DG,1292.,0.432) 2246500500005 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,NAT=0.0359) High purity (99.9%) metallic 2246500500006 nickel powder pressed into pellets of 1.4 cm diam. 2246500500007 and 0.5 cm thickness. weight aprx. 5 g 2246500500008 REL-REF (A,21958008,S.M.Qaim+,J,NSE,88,(2),143,1984) Presented 2246500500009 data agreed with old one after renormalization. 2246500500010 STATUS (TABLE) From Table 3 of RCA,84,1,1999. 2246500500011 HISTORY (20170822U) SD: STATUS 'COREL' deleted, information 2246500500012 moved to REL-REF. 2246500500013 ENDBIB 11 0 2246500500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2246500500015 DATA 4 5 2246500500016 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2246500500017 MEV MEV MB MB 2246500500018 12.97 0.20 13.0 1.2 2246500500019 14.25 0.20 19.7 1.5 2246500500020 17.20 0.25 16.0 1.4 2246500500021 18.80 0.30 15.8 1.4 2246500500022 19.40 0.32 15.1 1.5 2246500500023 ENDDATA 7 0 2246500500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2246500599999 NOSUBENT 22465006 20180316 22672246500600001 NOSUBENT 22465007 20180316 22672246500700001 ENDENTRY 7 0 2246599999999