ENTRY 20096 20230319 2009600000001 SUBENT 20096001 20230319 20231011 2009600100001 BIB 15 28 2009600100002 TITLE Three-particle excitation in Lu-177 2009600100003 AUTHOR (M.Jorgensen, O.B.Nielsen, G.Sidenius) 2009600100004 REFERENCE (J,PL,1,321,1962) 2009600100005 INSTITUTE (2DENCOP) 2009600100006 FACILITY (REAC,2DENCOP) DR-2 reactor, Denmark 2009600100007 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Neutron flux of 8.0E+12 neutrons/cm2/sec 2009600100008 of OR-2 reactor was used for 5 days. 2009600100009 INC-SPECT Reactor neutrons. 2009600100010 SAMPLE 5 mg of natural Lu(2)-O(3) 2009600100011 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation for half-life measurements. 2009600100012 (CHSEP)A radiochemical analysis was performed by 2009600100013 cation exchange technique with ammonium-hydroxy- 2009600100014 isobutyrate solution. 2009600100015 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) crystal. 50 * 50 mm2 well-type. 2009600100016 The detector was heavily shielded. 2009600100017 Daily counting performed with about 1% 2009600100018 statistical accuracy over a period of about 4 months. 2009600100019 ANALYSIS The resulting half-life is 155 +- 5 days. 2009600100020 The cross section for the Lu-176(n,gamma)Lu-177-m1 2009600100021 reaction was calculated from half-life measurements 2009600100022 and irradiation data. 2009600100023 COMMENT Further study for spectroscopic measurements was done 2009600100024 using the isotopically separated sample. 2009600100025 ERR-ANALYS No information. 2009600100026 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.321 of Phys.Lett.,1(1962)321 2009600100027 HISTORY (19701014C) 2009600100028 (20230319U) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2009600100029 Corrections in all Subents. 2009600100030 ENDBIB 28 0 2009600100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 2009600100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2009600199999 SUBENT 20096002 20230319 20231011 2009600200001 BIB 3 3 2009600200002 REACTION (71-LU-176(N,G)71-LU-177-M,,SIG) 2009600200003 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-177-M,155.D,DG) +-5.d 2009600200004 HISTORY (20230319U) SD: BIB updated. 2009600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 2009600200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2009600200007 DATA 2 1 2009600200008 EN-DUMMY DATA 2009600200009 MEV B 2009600200010 2.53E-08 1. 2009600200011 ENDDATA 3 0 2009600200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 2009600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2009699999999