ENTRY 14732 20220118 14961473200000001 SUBENT 14732001 20220118 14961473200100001 BIB 6 7 1473200100002 TITLE Fission and radiative capture cross section of 25 for 1473200100003 thermal neutrons 1473200100004 AUTHOR (M.Deutsch,G.A.Linenberger) 1473200100005 REFERENCE (R,LA-100,1944) 1473200100006 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) 1473200100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USALAS) 1473200100008 HISTORY (20220118C) BP 1473200100009 ENDBIB 7 0 1473200100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1473200100011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 1473200199999 SUBENT 14732002 20220118 14961473200200001 BIB 5 22 1473200200002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,SPA)/ 1473200200003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA)) 1473200200004 SAMPLE Two thicknesses of gold leaf were used. One was pure 1473200200005 gold leaf of about 10 mg/cm2, the other was 25 karat, 1473200200006 about 5 mg/cm2. 1473200200007 (92-U-235,ENR=0.70) One run each was taken with the 1473200200008 highly enriched (70%) sample, and with a sample of 1473200200009 normal alloy. 1473200200010 DETECTOR (PROPC,IOCH) All of the counters were of the fast 1473200200011 argon - alcohol type. The bell type beta ray counter 1473200200012 mica window about 5 mg/cm2 thick and the gamma ray 1473200200013 counter was made of a had a brass tube on the inside 1473200200014 of which a thin film of bismuth was plated to 1473200200015 increase the efficiency for low energy gamma rays. 1473200200016 The ionization chamber was placed in the carbon 1473200200017 column about 6 feet from the cyclotron. The chamber 1473200200018 was filled with nitrogen at a pressure of a 90 cm Hg. 1473200200019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) In calculating the probable error of the 1473200200020 average cross section ratio was taken of the fact 1473200200021 that the input parameter errors do not average out in 1473200200022 the several runs but remain constant. 1473200200023 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1, page 23. 1473200200024 ENDBIB 22 0 1473200200025 NOCOMMON 0 0 1473200200026 DATA 3 1 1473200200027 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 1473200200028 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1473200200029 0.0253 5.37 0.32 1473200200030 ENDDATA 3 0 1473200200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1473200299999 SUBENT 14732003 20220118 14961473200300001 BIB 5 17 1473200300002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,SPA)/ 1473200300003 (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG,,SPA)) 1473200300004 SAMPLE The manganese foils were 100 mg/cm2. 1473200300005 (92-U-235,ENR=0.70) One run each was taken with the 1473200300006 highly enriched (70%) sample, and with a sample of 1473200300007 normal alloy. 1473200300008 DETECTOR (PROPC,IOCH) All of the counters were of the fast 1473200300009 argon - alcohol type. The bell type beta ray counter 1473200300010 mica window about 5 mg/cm2 thick and the gamma ray 1473200300011 counter was made of a had a brass tube on the inside 1473200300012 of which a thin film of bismuth was plated to 1473200300013 increase the efficiency for low energy gamma rays. 1473200300014 The ionization chamber was placed in the carbon 1473200300015 column about 6 feet from the cyclotron. The chamber 1473200300016 was filled with nitrogen at a pressure of a 90 cm Hg. 1473200300017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Probable errors. 1473200300018 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2, page 24. 1473200300019 ENDBIB 17 0 1473200300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 1473200300021 DATA 3 1 1473200300022 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 1473200300023 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1473200300024 0.0253 42.1 2.0 1473200300025 ENDDATA 3 0 1473200300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 1473200399999 SUBENT 14732004 20220118 14961473200400001 BIB 5 8 1473200400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 1473200400003 ANALYSIS Westcott factor=1/1.025 is assumed for 235U fission 1473200400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. 1473200400005 MONITOR ((MONIT1)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 1473200400006 ((MONIT2)25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG) 1473200400007 STATUS (DEP,14732002) 1473200400008 (DEP,14732003) 1473200400009 (TABLE) page 22. 1473200400010 ENDBIB 8 0 1473200400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 1473200400012 DATA 5 1 1473200400013 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 1473200400014 EV B B B B 1473200400015 0.0253 526.0 30.0 94.0 13.0 1473200400016 ENDDATA 3 0 1473200400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 1473200499999 SUBENT 14732005 20220118 14961473200500001 BIB 5 6 1473200500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,ABS),,ALF,,,DERIV) 1473200500003 ANALYSIS [sigma(fission)-sigma(absorption)]/sigma(absorption) 1473200500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. 1473200500005 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,ABS),,SIG) 1473200500006 STATUS (DEP,14732004) 1473200500007 (TABLE) page 23. 1473200500008 ENDBIB 6 0 1473200500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1473200500010 DATA 4 1 1473200500011 KT DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM 1473200500012 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM B 1473200500013 0.0253 0.23 0.08 645.0 1473200500014 ENDDATA 3 0 1473200500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1473200599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 1473299999999