ENTRY 14552 20191113 14611455200000001 SUBENT 14552001 20191113 14611455200100001 BIB 13 31 1455200100002 TITLE Tritium in the thermal neutron fission of uranium-235 1455200100003 AUTHOR (E.N.Sloth,D.L.Horrocks,E.J.Boyce,M.H.Studier) 1455200100004 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) 1455200100005 REFERENCE (J,JIN,24,337,1962) 1455200100006 #doi:10.1016/0022-1902(62)80027-X 1455200100007 FACILITY (REAC,1USAANL) The Argonne CP-5 reactor 1455200100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) The flux of 2.54E+13 n/cm**2/sec 1455200100009 SAMPLE The uranium was irradiated as U3O8 powder in 0.2, 0.5 1455200100010 and 1.0 gramme quantities. National Bureau of Standards1455200100011 U3O8 and U308 prepared from commercial uranyl nitrate 1455200100012 hexahydrate were used. The commercial uranium was 1455200100013 purified by dissolution in nitric acid followed by an 1455200100014 ether extraction and subsequent ignition to U308. 1455200100015 METHOD (CHSEP) 1455200100016 DETECTOR (SCIN) Tritium was converted to water in a closed 1455200100017 system and its activity measured by liquid 1455200100018 scintillation techniques. 1455200100019 (NAICR) The gamma activity of the barium sample was 1455200100020 measured using a 5 in. sodium iodide scintillator. 1455200100021 The counting efficiency for the 140Ba in the sodium 1455200100022 iodide crystal spectrometer was determined by counting 1455200100023 equal aliquots of a separated 140Ba solution 1455200100024 simultaneously in the sodium iodide crystal 1455200100025 spectrometer and in the "Tri-Carb" liquid scintillation1455200100026 spectrometer. 1455200100027 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY,,MXW) 1455200100028 MONIT-REF ((MONIT),S.Katcoff+,J,NUC,18,201,1960) 1455200100029 CORRECTION Corrections for decay, chemical yield, volume of 1455200100030 aliquots, and efficiency of detection were applied to 1455200100031 the observed 14OBa activity. 1455200100032 HISTORY (20191112C) OG. 1455200100033 ENDBIB 31 0 1455200100034 COMMON 2 3 1455200100035 EN-DUMMY MONIT 1455200100036 EV PC/FIS 1455200100037 2.5300E-02 6.35 1455200100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1455200100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1455200199999 SUBENT 14552002 20191113 14611455200200001 BIB 4 5 1455200200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)1-H-3,TER,FY,,MXW) 1455200200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 1455200200004 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.340 in In.and Nucl. Chem.,24,337,19621455200200005 COMMENT Compiler's comment: Author's units "Fissions / t atom"1455200200006 were converted by compiler to PRT/FIS. 1455200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 1455200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1455200200009 DATA 2 1 1455200200010 DATA DATA-ERR 1455200200011 PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 1455200200012 0.800E-04 0.096E-04 1455200200013 ENDDATA 3 0 1455200200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1455200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1455299999999